Chapter Ten [Edited]

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My phone’s obnoxious ringtone played at about eight in the morning on Saturday. I groaned and rolled over, lazily picking up my cell phone from the night stand.

“Hello?” I said sleepily into the phone as I clicked on the lamp.

“Anaya!” Shelly’s bubbly voice came through the phone, making me sigh.


“Can I come over? Or are you, erm, busy?”

“Busy?” I asked, confused in my hazy state of tiredness.

“Y’know, is Daniel over?”

“Oh!” I responded, suddenly very awake. “Oh. No, he’s not.”

“Well, then I’m coming over!” Shelly chirped, hanging up the phone before I could protest.

I sighed and put the phone down, rubbing my eyes.

“Ugh,” I said out loud to no one, and I pulled myself out of bed.

I had taken a quick shower and was dressed in some sweats when Shelly came pounding on my door.

“Anaya! How are you?” Shelly practically gushed as she swept her way into my apartment.

“Shelly, it’s eight in the morning, is something wrong?” I asked, making myself a cup of coffee.

“Not at all! I want to know how your date went!” Shelly said enthusiastically, not the least bit offended by my slightly annoyed tone. She was used to it as she’d done the same after all my failed blind dates and throughout my relationship with Niles.

“It wasn’t a date,” I sighed. “Go ahead and sit on the couch- Oh, wait, you’ve already made yourself comfortable,” I drawled and rolled my eyes at her.

“Yeah, yeah, grab your coffee, gal, and come sit down!”

I rolled my eyes at her again, something she didn’t miss, but I smiled as I sat down. It felt like back when we were in university, though the roles were reversed then.

“So,” Shelly prompted.

“So?” I joked with her.

“How was your date?” Shelly asked, nearly bouncing in her seat from excitement.

“Geez, don’t combust over there,” I said dryly. “What’s so exciting about me going out on a date? Not that it was a date.”

“Oh, I don’t know, the fact that you never give guys a chance because you doubt yourself so much?” Shelly said sarcastically. I just glared at her, but she gave me a look, raising her eyebrows at me.

“Oh, fine. I guess it’s true that I don’t date much,” I sighed.

“Don’t date much? It’s been almost a year,” Shelly pointed out.

“Not helping,” I glared at her.

“Right, right. So, Daniel?” Shelly asked persistently.

“Yes, Sheila, what about Daniel?”

“How was your date with him?”

Remembering the night, I couldn’t help but smile. It was a lot of fun, and I loved that it was nothing like mine and Niles’ relationship.

Shelly squealed, bringing me back to the present day. “You totally like him!”

“Are we teenagers?” I questioned her sanity, wincing at her high pitch.

“Oh shush,” Shelly hushed, making me smirk as I took another sip of my coffee.

“So what did y’all do?”

Ace of Hearts - All We Are Series [NaNoWriMo 2014] [#JustWriteIt]Where stories live. Discover now