Chapter Twenty [Edited]

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‘Maybe some time you’ll realize that the only reason your love life is a complete and utter failure is because of you. Only you.’

I couldn’t get what Daniel said out of my mind. How did I manage to ruin such a perfectly good relationship? Why did I always seem to find flaws and drama in every single thing that I or anyone else did? Was I really that masochistic that I wanted to destroy my own life and everything good about it?

“Anaya!” Shelly’s voice cut through my thoughts as she banged on my apartment door. She had come by every day since the fight. I assumed that Daniel must’ve told her at the gym or something because I hadn’t talked to anyone.

“Anaya, you’ve skipped work for two days! Let us in!” Margaret’s voice pierced through the silence. Apparently the two of them had paired up now; Shelly must’ve talked to Margaret at some point.

I sat curled up on my couch, a blanket piled around me and hot chocolate on the table. Well, it wasn’t hot any more. I had made it earlier in the morning but never finished it. The TV was on, but it was silent and I wasn’t really paying attention to it. I was too lost in thought and self-loathing.

… the only reason your love life is a complete and utter failure is because of you …

“Anaya, let us in or we’ll call building management!” Margaret sounded annoyed, and I sighed.

Can’t they tell I want them to leave me alone?’ I thought.

Slipping my feet out from under my blanket and wincing at the cold air, I shuffled to the door. Cautiously, I unlocked it and turned the handle.

“Finally!” Margaret exclaimed.

“Margaret!” Shelly scolded.

“Anaya, how are you?” Shelly asked me softly, as if she was afraid of awakening a sleeping bear and setting it off on a rampage.

“I-” I started, and cleared my throat when it came out all raspy from misuse. “I’ve been better.”

“What the hell happened?” Margaret asked, not very tactfully.

I frowned at her and didn’t answer, turning and shuffling back to my comfy seat on the sofa.

… because of you. Only you …

“Anaya, sweetie, what’s wrong?” Shelly asked me as she took a seat next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “Honey, you can tell us.”

“It’s all my fault,” I sniffled.

“What happened?” Shelly asked me softly.

“I drove him away. Just like I always do.”

“Oh, honey,” Shelly sighed at me, pulling me into a big hug. “What happened?”

“He came over after we went out with Lily and Charles. A- and he brought up sex. And I got really mad…” I said, trailing off at the end

“Why did you get so mad? Just fuck him and be done with it. What’s so bad about that?” Margaret asked, and Shelly and I winced at her harsh language.

“Margaret!” Shelly gasped in shock.

“Anaya, you’re making a big deal out of nothing!”

“What, so just because you can screw around with random guys and not feel the need to actually look for serious commitments anywhere means that I have to do the same?” I fought back, my voice raising at the end of my question. Margaret was silent in response. Finally she spoke, standing up from her seat across the room.

“Relationships are almost always bound to fail. If you make a big deal out of everything, it’s a wonder that Daniel even likes you in the first place.”

“Margaret, I think that’s enough,” Shelly said sternly. She stood up and grabbed Margaret, pushing her towards the door. “Why don’t you cool off?”

“Oh, don’t worry, I was just leaving anyways,” Margaret fired back, huffing as she left the apartment and slammed the door.

“What has gotten into her lately?” Shelly wondered out loud, but I had no answer for her.

Shelly sighed and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water from the sink.

“So, what’s your plan?” She asked as she returned and sat next to me, sipping the water.

“My plan?”

“Do you love him?”

“What? Sheila, it’s too early to love him!”

“Is it?” She questioned, but left it alone. “You do care for him, though?”

“Of course.”

“Do you want him back?”

“Not if he’s going to be all about sex.”

“Is he really all about sex?”

“Yeah, he said…” I trailed off, trying to remember. “He criticized my lack of desire for sex.”

“Did he?”

“I… Well… He…” I frowned. ‘He did, didn’t he?’

“Or was he just trying to learn more about you?”


“Call him. Get him back,” Shelly said, patting my knee. “He means a lot to you, even if you don’t realize it.”

“I know, I know,” I sighed.

“Good. Now let’s watch a movie!” Shelly cheered, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Sounds good. Thank you, Shelly.”

“Of course. Anytime, my little Any girl. Love you, gal.”

“Love you too.”


Note: “Any” is pronounced “Ah-nee”, not “Annie” or “any”. Sorry, I probably should’ve clarified this earlier!

Ace of Hearts - All We Are Series [NaNoWriMo 2014] [#JustWriteIt]Where stories live. Discover now