Shot 43

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Once the dinner is over, everyone was sitting in the living room.

Zada shot a secret smile at Amar.

She saw Amar taking his phone out and typing something. And the next second, her phone pinged indicating an incoming message

I hope you know CPR, because you just took my breath away

Don't start again. You were in control for a few days

So, aside from taking my breath away, what do you do for a living?

Stop it already. My brothers are here. I don't want them to catch me texting you.

You think they have time for that? Look at them. Zi is busy drooling over Neha. Zahir is in a glaring contest with Kushi. They are too busy to poke their nose in our business.

If you say so. And BTW, don't call my brother Zi. That's my pet name for him.

Babe, he is my future brother in law. I get to call him whatever I want.

Zada blushed seeing that message and Amar grinned seeing her blush.

Make some excuse and come upstairs. I can't wait to have you in my arms.

What?? No way. Are you mad?

Mad for you baby. *winky face*

Get lost. *eye roll*

I want to get lost in you darling *heart*

Zada rolled her eyes and Amar puckered his lips imitating a kiss. Zada's eyes widened in shock and she looked at both her brothers to make sure they aren't watching.

"Stop it you two" Vansh said, tired of seeing Kushi and Zahir glaring at each other for apparently no reason.

"It's him" Kushi said

"It's her" Zahir said at the same time

"Not again please" Vansh groaned.

"Wow. My daughter is born on the same day" They heard Suha say excitedly to Neha.

They have been having an animated conversation for so long.

"Wow. Same year too, I guess. I was sent to school a year earlier. That's why I reached college early" Neha said

"Your mother must have sent you to school unable to tolerate you at home" Zada said teasingly making Neha huff in annoyance.

"My step mother. I'm sure, she was the one who pestered Papa to send me to school at the tender age of three" Neha said

"Oh, your real mother?" Suha asked with sympathy.

Kushi rolled her eyes at her cousin's dramatics.

"Aunty. Don't waste your sympathies on Neha. Poonam maasi is her real mother. She is bit strict. And so, Neha likes to pretend that she is the evil step mom" Kushi said

"Haww" Suha said and Neha smiled sheepishly.

"You tell me aunty. How can I be not disappointed when she sent me to school at three. And now she is telling that stupid Pihu's parents, not to send her to school this early. That she is a little baby. Mind you, that devil is five years old. Just wait and see, when the little dracula is finally send to school. I will bribe the school bully to bully her everyday. Oh no! Then she would come crying to my home and my momma would pamper her. Like hell I will allow that. Maybe I should bribe someone to tell that Pihu bullied them. Then she would get punishment. Isn't that an awesome idea?" Neha asked clapping her hands

Amar's sister gaped at the girl in front of her.

"Are you, by any chance, born in Sunrise hospital, Delhi?" Aastha asked curiously

"No. Why?" Neha asked back with a confused frown.

"Oh. I was just wondering if there is any chance that we got exchanged at the hospital" Aastha murmered

"This is so fun. I'm miss being young and at college" Suha said in a nostalgic voice.

"Yeah. The dinner was awesome aunty" Kushi said

"You should all come over often. We can have this get together frequently. Invite Rohan too. Whatever issues you guys have with him, sort it out. Poor boy is missing Amar very much" Suha said

"We never had a problem with him aunty" Zahir said

"He is a possessive boy. Amar and Rohan have been together since they were born. He couldn't accept it when Amar started hanging out with you boys. And I think that stage has passed. Talk to him" Suha said

"Sure aunty. We never thought about that" Zian said apologetically

"It's okay. I will get coffee for everyone" Suha said and left to the kitchen, and Dhruv followed her and left the kids to themselves.

Zian was finally happy to have Neha's attention back to himself.

"Neha, would like to come to Mumbai for the upcoming long weekend" Zian asked something he has been wanting to ask for a while.

"Mumbai? I have never been to Mumbai before" Neha said excitedly.

"I can show you around" Zian said

"Oh I would love to" Neha gushed happily

Zian smiled happily but frowned seeing the frown on Neha's face

"What is it?" Zian asked

"Have to take permission from the Hitler" Neha said, referring to her mother.

"Zada can talk to her. And I will ask my momma to call her too. That would reassure her." Zian said happily

"Wow. You are a genius Zi-Zi. And you are the best" Neha said and hugged him

Vansh stared at them open mouthed

"What the hell?"


Sorry for the delay guys. I have been on a trip.

I'm trying to get back to my schedule. And I will try to update this book on every alternate Sundays.

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