Shot 44

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Happy birthday my darling blushraabushraa_97

"What the hell??" Vansh stared at Neha and Zian

Zian pulled away from Neha and looked at Vansh awkwardly.

He had been too busy trying to get Neha's attention and finally when he got it, he completely forgot that Vansh was sitting right across them.

"Uh Vansh" Zian was confused as to what to say.

"What is happening here?" Vansha asked calmly

"Can we talk Vansh?" Zian asked

"We are talking" Vansh said

"Alone? Please?" Zian asked

He decided there was nothing for him to hide. His feelings are genuine and his intentions are pure. So what's the need to hide anything.

He is in love and he is proud and brave enough to say that out aloud.

"Okay. Let's go out and talk" Vansh said and stood up from the couch.

Zian did the same and when Neha started following them, Vansh stopped her.

"Neha, stay here. We will be back right away" Vansh said making Neha pout

As Vansh and Zian stepped out, Kushi decided that she also needs to be a part of this conversation. So she stood up from the couch and walked the way the boys went.

"Where are you going? Do you have to poke your silly nose into anything and everything?" Zahir asked from the couch where he was lazily lounging.

"The talk happens to be about my little sister, badboy. I have every right to poke my nose there. And I just need to be sure that, though he is related to you by blood, he is nothing like you" Kushi countered.

"Oh darling! Nobody can be like me. That is a universal truth." Zahir said

"Yeah. I agree. There can never be someone as narcissistic and arrogant as you" Kushi said

"Oh dear! You mistake my self confidence and pride for narcissm and arrogance." Zahir was quick to respond

"Yeah. Quite delusional too" Kushi said rolling her eyes

"God!! How do you manage to do this every single time?" Amar asked with a groan

"They have been like that ever since... forever." Zada said shaking her head

They all noticed an unusual thing.

Neha was silent.

She wasn't even listening to them

She had her eyes set on the door, waiting for the two boys to walk back in.

"Aww Neha. Don't you worry. It is Zian who had gone out. He will say all the right things." Zahir said sitting next to Neha and throwing an arm over her shoulder and giving a comforting hug

"You think so?" Neha asked

If something goes wrong, Vansh bhaiyya might call up her father. Her father, she can manage. But if her mother comes to know. She can imagine her mother taking up the form of Goddess Kali.

Oh God! Don't make my death painful. Make her kill me when I'm sleeping.

Is death painless if it happens in sleep?

Most people dies during sleep, if they have a cardiac arrest. Which means it will obviously hurt!

Maybe she should google various methods of painless deaths.

Maybe cyanide is the best option.

They say, the death is instant. Which means there won't be enough time to know the pain.

She came out of her thoughts when Zahir snapped his fingers in front of her eyes

"Huh?" She asked in daze

"You had this worried look on your face and it doesn't suits you at all, Neha. You look beautiful when you smile wide and talk non stop. That's the Neha we love. Not this silent Neha" Zahir said flicking her nose playfully making Neha smile

"You are right? Why should I think negative things. Just imagine, if everything goes well, soon Zi-Zi and I can get married. We can go on our Himalayan honeymoon trip on cheru. I can eat from all the road side stalls. Oh, but then I will start getting sleepy if I eat a lot. What if I fall asleep and fell off cheru, on the way. OMG! I will have to wear a helmet. Actually I like to go on cheru without wearing a helmet. I feel so suffocated in a helmet.."

"Okay. Our Neha is back" Zahir said with a grin

An small smile appeared on Kushi's face seeing the love and care Zahir has for the girl his brother is in love with.

Maybe he is not such a badboy afterall, she thought.

Zahir's phone rang and he saw that it was an unknown number. He picked it up and before he could speak, the other person started the talk

"Finally! You deemed it time to answer your calls. Where is your other phone? I have been calling you for hours and hours. I had to get your new number from your brother. I can't believe it that you didn't give me your new number. How could you do that. And above all that, you forgot my birthday. How could you" Zahir was momentarily shocked as he heard the sweet voice of a girl spitting fire at someone, who she mistaken to be him.

"Uh. I think you are mistaken" Zahir said

He heard her gasp from the other side

"Oh! I'm so sorry. I think I dialed the wrong number." The girl apologised

"It seems you did, sweetheart" Zahir said with a smirk and leaned back on the couch.

Kushi scowled at him.

"By the way, what's your name sweetheart?" Zahir asked

"Uh! I will just hang up" the girl said

"Oh no birthday girl. Let me wish you. Tell me your name"

"Bushraa" he heard the shy reply

"Aww. I can imagine you blushing now" Zahir flirted

"How did you know?" Bushraa asked and then clasped her hands over her mouth

Zahir laughed

"I just know. So, a very very happy birthday Blushhraa, sweetheart" Zahir said

"Thank you" Bushra said and hung up the call immediately, not wanting to talk to the stranger anymore.

Neha playfully punched him on his shoulder

"How can you flirt with a total stranger" Neha asked

"I'm a born charmer, sweetheart" Zahir said with a wink making Kushi roll her eyes.

So much for not being a badboy. He is definitely bad, she thought.


Very sorry for the late update.

Keep commenting more, and I will be motivated to write more frequently 😁


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