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"What are Z1 and Z2 doing in your phone???" Neha shreiked seeing Zada's mobile screen

Zada shared a look with Zian through the phone

"And who are these people??" Neha asked noticing some other very handsome men and beautiful woman


"Oh my God!! Is your hair real uncle?? It looks so silky. Does it feel silky too?? What shampoo and conditioner do you use uncle. Look at my hair. It looks like a birds nest sometimes. Oh I'm envious of your hair. How do you manage it??" Neha asked in awe looking at the long haired man in the screen

All the oberois were staring at her confused as to whether she is cute or dumb

"Bade papa. What say?? Can anyone be weirder than bade momma??" Zahir asked seeing the look

"Definitely" Shivaay agreed realising that his wife is nothing compared to this girl

Neha'a attention went back to the twins when Zahir spoke

"Bade papa?? This is your family?? Then why is my Ada on call with you all??" Neha asked

"Because Zada is our sister" Zian said refusing to keep Neha out of the loop anymore

Neha gasped loudly


"Infact we are triplets" Zian said and Zada glared at him

"Zi!! How could you?? I wanted to tell her myself" Zada said angrily

"Does it matter who tells?" Zi asked

"Ofcourse it does. I'm her bestfriend"

"And I'm her...." Zi stopped mid sentence not knowing what to say

"Exactly. As of now ,you are no one to her. So obviously it should have been me who reveal it to her" Zada said huffing

Neha was looking back and forth between the two with her eyes wide as a saucer

And finally when the reality sunk in she shreiked and covered herself with Neha's duvet hiding herself from others

"What are you doing??" Omkara asked bewildered

Neha peeked once from inside the duvet to know who it was who talked

"I'm going into hibernation long haired uncle." Neha said


"I don't want anyone to see me anymore. Mother earth won't open up to gobble me. So the next better option is this. And I hate you all. You cheaters." Neha declared directing her message to the triplets

"Neha, listen.. " Zada began

"No!! I don't want to hear anything. Laaa laaa laaaa" she started singing loudly refusing to hear anything

"Kiddos, we think you should sort it out among yourselves. Good night" Neha peeked out again to see who was talking and saw it was the aunty sitting next to the blue eyed uncle who talked. And she noticed the pearl necklace the aunty was wearing

"Aunty. Is your necklace pearl??" Neha asked and Anika nodded confused

"Don't wear it in the kitchen blue eyed uncle wali aunty. Especially if your are using vinegar in the kitchen. Pearl melts in vinegar" Neha said

"Really?? I didn't knew" Anika said touching her necklace specially since she is a disaster in kitchen

"I also didn't knew aunty. Today that was the message the Zomato app shared. They always share such information"

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