Shot 61

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"Oh god! What have you done?" Zada asked in horror, seeing the bloodied look on Amar.

She could see the cuts and bruises on Amar's face and body and she got really worried.

"I am sorry, Mirrie. When Khushi called and told me about what happened, I couldn't help it. I had no intention of getting into a physical fight. It just happened." Amar said apologetically. He knows how much Zada loves her brothers and he knows she would be angry with him for getting into a fight with them.

"You were supposed to get on their good book, Amar. Not the other way around." Zada said furiously as she dabbed the cotton with antiseptic on his bruise. Amar hissed lighty at the slight stinging.

"Don't tell me it is hurting. It wouldn't hurt as much as it would have hurt when you got into a physical brawl with my brothers." Zada said furiously as she applied more antiseptic on his bruise.

Damn! An angry girlfriend is total terror.

"It isn't hurting. These bruises and wounds are nothing.." Amar said in an offhand manner.

"Of course, nothing could wound your ego.." Zada said sarcastically and Amar grinned as he snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her against him.

"Let me go, Amar." Zada said angrily.

"Only you can wound my ego, my darling Mirrie. On our very first meeting, you managed to wound my ego and walk away.." Amar said cheekily and Zada rolled her eyes.

Amar leaned in closer, his eyes locked onto Zada's with an unmistakable twinkle.

"Well, you see, sweetheart, every wound I have ever had pales in comparison to the one you inflicted on my heart. And having you in my life is the only remedy I need." He spoke with a hint of playful charm.

Zada couldn't help but smile despite her earlier anger.

"I see your relationship with google is still intact, Amar." Zada said, rolling her eyes.

"Again you wound my heart by insulting the words that come directly from my heart." Amar said with a pout.

"Pouting doesn't suit the university ex playboy.." Zada said, getting herself out of his hold.

Amar let out a dramatic sigh, earning another eye roll from Zada.

"Are they hurt?" Zada asked anxiously, as she sat next to Amar.

"A little bit.." Amar said sheepishly and Zada glared at him.

"Sorry! But they were begging for it.." Amar said.

"Excuse me, they are my brothers. You just can't hurt them and come here and flirt with me." Zada said with a huff of annoyance.

Amar flashed a mischievous grin and gently brushed a strand of Zada's hair away from her face.

"Well, I couldn't resist getting into a brawl on your behalf, Mirrie. I am just trying to prove that I am willing to fight for us, for our love."

Zada's expression softened a little. She couldn't stay mad at him for long, especially when he was making an effort to win her brothers over and standing up for their relationship. But what he did today went out of control. She has no idea what the consequences would be. She couldn't even go to them and see if they were alright.

"But please promise me you won't do something like this again," she pleaded. "I don't want to see you or my brothers hurt."

Amar nodded, his playful demeanour giving way to sincerity.

"I promise, no more brawls. I will find a better way to make amends with your brothers."

Zada leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his unbruised cheek.

"Thank you, Amar. Now let's get you patched up, so you can go and make things right with them."

Amar nodded, grateful for her understanding and forgiveness. It was just another reminder of how important Zada was to him, and he was determined to find a way to mend things with her brothers without resorting to physical altercations.


Zahir and Zian waited outside Amar's house in their car. They have been waiting for over two hours now after leaving the pub. And he hasn't reached his home yet.

"Do you think he has gone directly to see Zada?" Zahir asked with a scowl.

"Probably. We should have gone there directly.." Zian said with a frown.

"I didn't want to see Zada before we had a proper talk with Amar. You mentioned he once told you that he was serious about someone." Zahir asked.

"Yeah. But that girl's name starts with M. That is what confuses me. He really changed. When I thought about it with a calm mind, I realised that I haven't spotted him with any girl since the day Zada joined our university. But he himself mentioned that the girl in his heart is named with the letter, M." Zian said.

"Then let's go and ask him right in front of Zada. She should also know that." Zahir said and started the car, racing it towards Zada's apartment.

As soon as they parked the car they were racing towards Zada's apartment. The thought that Amar with his playboy reputation was inside Zada's apartment was making them anxious, although they know everything has happened between them.

The memory of finding their sister with Amar in bed still gives them the chills.

Zahir pressed the doorbell and Zada opened the door after a few seconds. Her eyes brightened seeing her brothers in front of her. Her eyes quickly filled up.

"You came.." She whispered, still finding it hard to believe.

"Call Amar.." Zahir demanded as he pushed past Zada into the apartment. Hearing the voice, Amar, with the patch up works on him, came to the living room.

Zahir's lips thinned in annoyance when their doubt was confirmed. Amar really was with Zada for the last two hours.

"Now what?" Amar asked tiredly, as he took a seat on the couch.

"Zada, do you know that Amar has been seriously involved with a girl whose name starts with M? Amar had even discussed that with Zian.." Zahir said and waited for the argument to break out...


Here goes the next shot!

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