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A short update for those who miss Zahir ❤️

Zada balled up yet another paper and threw in into the trash can near her study table

She had been cooped up in her hostel room for a few hours now trying to draw Mirrie the mythical horse.

Neha had come to her room twice and she had thrown her out both the times.

She took another paper and tried to bring into the paper what she had in mind

When yet again she failed, she decided to call her brother

She knows she is good at art, but Zian is better. He is the one who inherited that talent of their father completely

She and Zahir could draw to an extend, but Zi excels in it.

"Hello little sister" came the voice from the other side of the phone and she rolled her eyes

"I'm only ten minutes younger to you. That doesn't makes me little ,Zahir"

"I'm Zian"

"And I'm Angelina Jolie"

"God!! There is a limit to dreaming baby. Angelina Jolie is a tall order"

"Don't you have anything else to do. No girls around to charm? No boys around to show off??" She asked

"You have a very low opinion on your elder brother little Zada. I'm offended"

"Aww my heart bleeds"

"You cruel lady. What did I ever do to deserve this fate. Why couldn't I get a sweet cute and loving sister instead of you. I must have committed some terrible sins in my last birth. Or else I wouldn't be saddled with a heartless sister" Zahir said

Sometimes, he could be such a drama queen

"Oh my. You still have the habit of eavesdropping mine and Zi's conversations don't you?? This exactly was what we were talking about you the last time. What sin we might have committed to get you as our brother" Zada said and clucked her tongue in disappointment earning a grunt from Zahir

"You should feel lucky to have a brother like me"

"If you have to force us to feel lucky, you can just imagine how terrible a brother you are"

"That's because I had to share a womb with you. The company ruined me"

"So you agree you are ruined"

She heard a shuffling from the other side and then heard Zian's voice

"Hello darling" Zian greeted making her smile

Her brothers are poles apart in nature but she loves them both equally

"Zi.. Put the call on the speaker" Zada said with a mischievous smile

"Yeah tell me"

" favorite brother. I miss you" she said dramatically and she heard Zian laughing and Zahir possibly cursing

It is still funny to wind Zahir up

He might act all tough and rough bad-boy, but deep down he is a marshmallow

He wants her to love him more that Zi

And he wants Zi to love him more than her

Could the guy get anymore possessive

God help the girl he is going to finally fall in love with

"Okay. You two can go to hell. I love Zera more" she heard Zahir screaming and can picture him throwing his hands up in frustration

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