so baby, kiss me thru the phone

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It started off by a throwaway comment made by Jisoo. Jennie had been feeling bad, weighed down by the stress of university and the loneliness after her most recent break-up. It hadn't been a serious relationship, both of them not truly in love with the other. Their breakup had been polite, almost unfeeling. Jennie didn't miss her so much as the company, a body in her bed, a person to hold her at night.

As always when she felt down, Jisoo hadn't left her side.

That night, she'd been sitting on the couch with Jisoo, their legs thrown over each other, glasses of wine in hand, the TV playing in the background. Leftovers from the food Jisoo had cooked were still on the coffee table, and Jennie felt tired, worn down.

"Have you tried ASMR?" Jisoo had asked, voice soft and worried. A little scrunch to her forehead that Jennie has started to see as her big sister frown. The one she reserved for her and maybe Lisa. She adored the little frown, even if she would never admit to it.

Jennie shook her head, "What the hell is ASMR?"

"It's this type of video where people talk in very calming voices and make noises and it's kind of developed to calm you down," Jisoo explained, shrugging while she took another sip of wine. Her explanation didn't really explain all that much, and she frowned down at the glass of wine in her hand as if realizing and blaming it on the amber liquid.

"Sounds dumb," Jennie said, and that was that.

The rest of the bottle got emptied, a second followed, until Jisoo yawned so wide her jaw popped. She kissed Jennie on the cheek as she apologized and went to bed, telling her to try and sleep.

Jennie truly did try, tossing and turning, trying to relax and get her brain to shut off long enough for her to sleep. But the thoughts raced in her head and her eyes burned from sleep deprivation.

At long last, she grumbled as she grabbed her phone, the light burning her eyes, making her curse before she lowered the lightning. She reached into her bedside table for her earphones, sighing when they came out a tangled mess of cords.

When she finally succeeded in untangling the mess and popping them in her ears, she typed in ASMR into the YouTube search bar, weary of what she would find. The first recommendation that came up was a girl with a sweet smile and a title that promised her a full night of sleep. She seemed nice enough, the cup of tea in her hands inviting.

Just before she could click on the video, however, her eye fell on the one below.

It was a blonde girl. Her hair unstyled like she just ran her hands through it, her piercing brown eyes looking right into the camera. Draw with me, the video was called and under that her nickname, Raton Laveur.

Without thinking, Jennie clicked on the video.

"Hello, peeps," the girl on the screen whispered. She leaned to the other side of the microphone and continued, "It's Rosé here." She grinned as she made a sort of V-symbol over her eyes, from left to right. "Today I thought it might be nice to draw. I always feel like the sound of pencil on paper is very relaxing and so I hope it can take away some of your stress."

Rosé smiled, one side of her mouth arching up higher than the other as she grabbed some paper, rustling the paper near the microphone. Her eyes lowered, as if nervous, before looking back into the camera. She shrugged, an answer to a question no one asked and twirled her pencil in between her fingers.

"You can watch me work, or close your eyes and just relax, I don't mind either way. Just remember to breathe," she whispered, her voice light and soft.

As she started drawing, she kept talking. About what she was doing, about her studies, about the weather. Just a constant stream of soft spoken words and the scratching sounds of pencil on paper.

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