how you get the girl

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Stand there like a ghost, shaking from the rain, she'll open up the door, and say are you insane?

* *


It was a bag of fucking popcorn.

All of a sudden Jennie felt exhausted.

She stared despondently at the bag of fallen treats, letting out a sigh as she grabbed her phone from the counter. She lingered at the passcode for a second, before unlocking her phone and hitting the second contact in her favorites list.

She let out another sigh as she sat down on one of the stools in her kitchen that she barely used (well, not anymore, not for at least six months, a traitorous voice whispered in the back of her head), waiting for her best friend to answer.


Jennie dropped the phone on the counter, hitting the speaker button as her best friend's voice echoed around her empty apartment.

"I spilled my popcorn."


Jennie let out a huff, dropping her head onto the counter.

"I'm standing in the kitchen and I spilled my fucking popcorn and it made me fucking sad because I miss her," she said, her words coming out so fast she was sure she was mumbling.

The other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds before Jennie heard her best friend sigh.

"And you got all of this from spilled popcorn?" Jisoo asked.

"It's like nothing works without her," Jennie said, looking up towards her living room. Her eyes caught on a particular frame—one she couldn't bring herself to take down.

"It's been six months, Jen," Jisoo said.

"I know how long it's been," Jennie replied.

"You were the one who broke it off," her best friend continued.

Jennie scowled at the phone, swiping it off the counter and putting it to her ear.

"I know that," she said tersely, before sighing again. "Sorry, I just—I miss her."

"Well you shouldn't have broken up with her then," Jisoo pointed out.

"We didn't break up," Jennie countered.

"Oh right," Jisoo drawled, and Jennie knew what her best friend was about to say was the same thing she's been saying for the past six months. "You didn't break up because you were never officially together, which was the whole problem, wasn't it?"

Jennie was silent, knowing her best friend was right.

She had been the one who couldn't commit.

And she may have possibly let the best thing that ever happened to her slip through her fingers.

"—nnie! Hey! Kid!"

Jennie startled at the sound of Jisoo's voice, realizing she had zoned out again.

"Sorry, what?" she asked, swiping her hand down her face and shaking her head a bit.

"I said, you've been miserable for months," her best friend repeated. "When are you gonna do something about it?"

Jennie sighed again, slouching down in her seat.

"There's nothing I can do, Jisoo," she replied. "Rosie doesn't want to see me."

"That's bullshit and you know it," Jisoo responded. "Rosie loves you."

"And I broke her heart," Jennie countered, feeling a deep pain in her chest at the words she had finally spoken aloud. "She loved me and I broke her heart."

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