if i'm honest, i know having you's too good to be true

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i. has anyone seen Rosie?

It was no secret that head cheerleader, Jennie Kim, who had the whole school wrapped around her finger, was enamored by Roseanne Park, the quiet girl who everyone knew to be kind but barely made an effort to climb the social ladder.

Jennie had never once attempted to hide that fact ever since their first year in high school, when she had met her through Lisa, who had also made the cheerleading squad.

Every year since then, many had blatantly tried to woo Jennie, hoping that they'd be the one to change things, but each time she'd say the exact same words with an empathetic smile, "Sorry, I like Rosie."

Though, it wasn't as if Jennie kept completely celibate. She had her casual hook-ups at parties with a few different people, making certain beforehand that it was completely physical and no feelings were involved, which hadn't caused any issues so far, except a small reputation of being a player of sorts.

They never talked much directly to each other, as Rosie never seemed to be alone, but Jennie would always make an effort to give her a friendly compliment whenever they found themselves in the same conversation circle. The blush that, without fail, appeared on Rosie's face only spurred Jennie's hope that Rosie felt something back. But, slightly to Jennie's disappointment, Rosie never took any action that showed her reciprocation of feelings, nor would Jennie ever make a move without some clear indication that Rosie was comfortable and welcoming of it.

Though in junior year when Mark Tuan, who was new to the school but had somehow become quarterback of the football team within minutes, had decided to ask Rosie out, Jennie couldn't help but feel a pang of regret.

Rosie and Mark became a thing of sorts, hanging together more often and at times Rosie could be seen wearing Mark's football jersey.

There were the occasional whispers of how 'everyone knew' that Rosie was 'Jennie's girl' and 'what the hell was Mark thinking' which made Jennie frustrated, scolding anyone who spread such rumours and misinformation.

Rosie seemed happy, so Jennie was happy for her and pushed her own feelings aside.

So, in their final year, almost four years after meeting, Jennie was sure that Rosie knew by now (though, she never explicitly told Rosie, not wanting to place any pressure on her), but had simply decided that she didn't like her back. It did nothing to deter her feelings, but she respected the fact and let Rosie make her own choices.

The only problem was that this year, Rosie's locker had coincidentally been switched right next to Jennie's, meaning that, at the very least, every morning they would see each other.

"Hey, Rosie, I guess we're neighbours this year, huh," Jennie smiles as Rosie fiddled with the lock, having no luck getting it open.

"Jennie, hey," Rosie seems to have only just noticed that Jennie had been the one standing next to her, filling up her own locker, but a huge smile appears on her face regardless. "I guess we are. How was your summer?"

Rosie still can't seem to get her locker open and starts muttering curses (which were much too polite to be considered so) under her breath. Jennie can't help but chuckle and the warmth building inside her chest made the hot summer they had just endured pale in comparison. She reaches over and tugs once at the lock, and it seems to magically open, much to Rosie's confusion.

"Jisoo had that locker last year, it's a bit shoddy and you need to twist it at a certain angle," Jennie explains, and Rosie nods and mumbles a 'thanks'. "Anyway, my summer was fine. Went to the beach a lot, or hung out by the pool, then coach made us go on that cheer camp for a few weeks, which you already know, because Lisa... But other than that, not much, except maybe an awful bikini tan under all this." Jennie gestures down to her short skirt and legs and Rosie's eyes follow her hands, then trace down her legs, lingering for perhaps longer than necessary. "How was yours?"

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