Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

" WAKE UP !" Harry's voice startled me awake and i fell out of bed my butt hitting the wooden floor .

" What the hell ?!" I yelled looking up at him from the floor .

" sorry " he smiled plumping down on his stomach on my bed as i use my bed-side table as support to stand up .
I wanted to tell him off for waking me like that but one look at the smile on his face made me reconsider .

He hasn't shown any sign of emotion since that night on the lake . He cried the first night but then the next few days he was like some sort of emotionless statue . He sat in his room , looking out the window , refusing to talk , eat , drink , sleep , or move . And now here he is , in my room , at 9 AM smiling like there's no tomorrow .

" why so excited ?" I ask sitting on the edge of the bed .

" Today's the carnival !" He cheered rolling on his back , so his head was next to my lap and he looked up at me with an adorable grin .

" What carnival ?" I ask playing with his curly hair .

" Every year the town sets up a carnival called 'The Sunshine Summer Carnival ' i know the name is lame but it's lots of fun , and i'm taking you there today ."

"Well ok then ." I laugh as he gets up and sits next to me .

" Get dressed , we'll grab breakfast and then we'll leave . Helga let me borrow her car ."

" sounds like a plan ." I laugh again .

He kisses me on the cheek and stands up , but freezes before taking another step . The tension in the air thickens .

" uh ... I'm sorry about that , i don't know what got into me ." He apologized clearly flustered .

"For what ? Kissing me ? It's fine really , It was cute ." I laughed , but this time i was nervous , why would i be nervous ?

" yea uhm , i'll wait for you downstairs ."

He left and i was left alone to get dressed .

After my bathroom routine , i decided on a pair of blue skinny jeans a purple tank-top and white converse , you know , something casual , i put my phone in my back pocket , braid my hair and head downstairs hoping things won't be too awkward between me and Harry.

When i walk into the dining room , i'm relieved to see Harry smiling while talking to his nana and eating some cheerios with milk .

I get myself a bowl of the same cereal and sit next to him at the table .

"Copy cat " he teases looking down at my bowl .

"Nu-uh ! You're the copy cat !" I defend weakly .

"How is that ? I had the cheerios first !" He laughs .

" Well it was my idea ! You just stole it before i could think of it ." I stick my tongue out at him .

" oh yea ? I wasn't aware i could both read thoughts and predict the future !" He laughed harder .

" well apparently you can ." I fire back shoving a spoonful of cheerios in my mouth .

" well let's see if you can do that , what am i thinking of right now ?"he challenged .

" hum ..." I tried to focus , what could he be thinking of ? " candy ?"
I try but he shakes his head no .

Ugh i can't even read his face ! It's like a damn poker face !

Suddenly he holds my hand under the table . I gasp then flush , but am relieved that our grandmas didn't notice .

Love in the Château ( Harry Styles x Ariana Grande)Where stories live. Discover now