Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up in the big king sized bed , under purple satan covers . I pushed the covers off and swung my legs to the ground .

I threw my pajamas in the hamper and took a long relaxing shower before opening the old large wooden closet and stared at the clothes i unpacked last night to find something to wear .

I ended up going with my White Feline Sweatshirt , black sweatpants and my beige Uggs . I stared in the full-sized mirror to examine my outfit , something felt missing . I went back to my closet and grabbed a white beanie . There , now my look is complete !

I ran downstairs , maids dressed in the classic black and white uniforms stared at me like i was a lunatic . I just felt so excited today ! Like something big was gonna happen , and that made me kind of hyper .

I slowed my pace when i reached the bottom of the stairs , i went to the dining room for breakfast .

A huge old wooden table carried every type of breakfast food you can think off ! Omelets , pancakes , bacon , buttered toast , baloney sandwiches , muffins , crêpes ...

A maid pushed my great grand-ma in on her wheel-chair , i hadn't seen her last night so i should probably make a good impression now .

" Good Morning Grand Ma " i smiled.

"Good Morning sweetheart " she smiled back. Wow for someone her age , she had pretty good hearing . And it felt good when she called me sweetheart , maybe i was a bit disappointed that she didn't want to meet me last night and just didn't realize it . " sit , eat , put some meat on your bones !" She laughed .

I sat down on the seat closest to hers and started on an omelet . Then i had a pancake with orange juice and was pretty much full .

" Now dear , go change into something nice , my friend will be here soon ."

Well that was kind of rude , but i kept my mouth shut and obeyed , she's an old lady , so i should respect her.

I ran back to my room replacing my Uggs for a pair of black and white converse and my sweats for a Vince Camuto checker-print (black and white ) Sleeveless Dress . I didn't see a point in keeping the beanie on , so i put it back in my dresser and fashioned my hair in a side fishtail braid .

Soon enough i heard the sound of a car and Helga called me down to meet Mrs Shaw .

I went down to Helga and then we both walked outside and stood in front of the stone staircase in front of the house as the black limo stopped.

I looked to my right and noticed we were perfectly aligned with Grand-ma and her maid.

The chauffeur stepped out to open the door for Mrs Shaw . A thin lady with a cane stepped out . She wore a long purple dress with little pink flowers all over it . Long , wool, grey socks under old black leather shoes , her white hair in a perfect bun .

" Hello Deary !" She greeted in an old voice that sounded like she just came out of a cartoon .

" Genevieve Shaw ! You old bat ! Haven't seen you in a while . Where in Monroe's name were you ?! ." Joked Grand ma . And who's Monroe ? Probably a Marilyn Monroe reference .

" You know , just skateboarding down the Eiffel tower , the usual ." She joked back .

I giggled .

" well who is this young darling ?" She turned to look at me .

" This is my great grand-daughter , Ariana De Grande ." Introduced Grand ma " and this is Genevieve Shaw , my best friend in the world ."

" oh now darling you can call me Gennie ." She put her hand on my cheek " my my , you look just like your great grand-pa , you have his eyes ." Tears stung through her eyes. " he was a good man , an honest man ." She added wiping away her tears with her wrinkled hands .

" Are We Here Yet ?" Asked a male voice from the limo . It sounded like whoever it was , he was asleep and had just woken up .

" yes dearie we are ." Answered Gennie .

" Does that mean we finally get to meet him ?" Asked Grand-ma excitedly .

" meet who ?" I questioned curiously .

" yes , you get to meet him !" Cheered Gennie .

" Oh Goodie !" Cheered Grand-ma clapping her hands .

" who are we gonna meet ?" I asked again .

" he's a very nice young gentleman" complemented Gennie .

" i bet he's very handsome " continued Grandma .

" who's handsome ?" I was running out of patience .

" why Harold of course ! He's my sister's great grandson ! " explained Gennie , finally .

" he's all Gennie ever talks about so i was very eager to meet him ." Added Grand ma .

" Harold dear come meet our hosts " called Gennie .

"hosts ?" He asked surprised .

" yes dearie , my great grand daughter is here ." Answered Grand ma .

He slid across the seat and stepped out of the limo exposing his face to the flattering truth of the sunlight . I couldn't believe that it was him , but it was .

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