Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Chapter 8

" would you mind telling us the nature of your relationship with this Harold Styles kid ." The greasy haired detective who's name i learned to be Pierre asked with a hideous accent . I keep forgetting that i'm in France .

" well , we were sort of friends , we met at a few award ceremonies and stuff before but we weren't that close before we met here , and now well , he's my boyfriend ." I looked down at the ground again my cheeks bathing in a pinkish color .

" boyfriend , eh ?" The bald one ,
named Jean repeated thoughtfully.

" yea ." I nodded .

" but why would a rich kid like that want to steal an old necklace ?" He continued " i mean sure it's worth millions but he already has millions . Something about this isn't right ."

" Well we'll know more after searching the kid's room ." Said Pierre and my heart practically leaped out of my chest . What if the necklace was there ? What if Harry really was the thief ?! No , no that's preposterous ! Harry would never steal , he's too much of a gentleman for that . He's a good guy and he wouldn't betray me like that . But will he be mad at me when he finds out that i told the detectives about him ? When he learns that i'm the reason they're going through his stuff ? Probably . But he'll forgive me right ? Right ?

I couldn't keep worrying though cause the detectives signaled for me to follow them . We met everyone outside , Harry's eyes immediately darted out to me , and he walked over to hold my hand and smiled a small reassuring smile at me .

" It'll be ok ." He whispered in my ear. Did i look flustered ? Or uncomfortable ? Well i was i just didn't realize that it showed , or maybe Harry just knew me enough to tell .

Even in the grave situation we were in , and even though the results of what was about to happen could ruin our relationship and my heart , and even though i was stressed and worried and guilty , i still felt giddy at our contact . His hand in mine like , a heart split into two finally reconnecting .

" I'm afraid we're gonna have to search your room ." Announced Jean .

" what ? why ?" Harry answered baffled .

" because you're our main suspect ." Answered Pierre like it was obvious .

" Why ?" He asked sounding worried.

"Because according to this little missy , you were the only one who had access to her room ." Stated Jean .

Harry tensed , letting go of my hand , a frown etched on his face . I felt guilty to my stomach , his expression hurt and angry .

" Fine . Search my room , i don't mind really . But you won't find anything , i'm not a thief ." He said , his voice poised and controlled , not letting his anger get the best of him .

All of us walked up the stairs and down the narrow but long hallway to his room , during our walk i tried to grab Harry's hand but he pulled away .

" Harry Please ." I begged in a whisper , my eyes stinging with tears .

" how could you think i would steal from you ?! I just can't believe that you would doubt me like that . You know i was right that day , when i told you you were nothing like Tara because she never doubted my intentions . Ever ."

And my heart broke . Tears streamed faster down my cheeks and i wanted to defend myself , to assure him that i didn't doubt him , that i simply answered the questions i was asked , but i couldn't talk , the lump in my throat choked away all sounds . He basically just said that he'd rather be with Tara than me , and i guess i should've known that since if she was alive , he'd be her boyfriend right now not mine . But it still hurt like hell . It still felt like someone just kicked me in the lungs . And we both stayed silent till we made it to his room .

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