Christmas Planning

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I don't know if I woke up late or if Tyler woke up early, but when I woke up Tyler was sitting on the couch. I walked over to sit down and Tyler scrambled to hide ssomething
"What was that for?" I asked ccuriously
"No Nothing."
"Really. It doesn't look like nothing
"Well it is nothing."
"Ok fine."
I ended up laying my head on his lap.
I think I fell asleep at some point because when my mom walked in she said, "Watch ya doin'?"
That woke me up too quickly and I hit my ankle.
"At this rate my ankle will never get better."
"Sorry sweetie," my mom said sympathetically. Then she went and got me an ice pack.
"What were you hiding from me?"
"I told you it was nothing."
"Cooome oooonnn, pleeeeeaaaasse."
"It's not the right time to give it to you."
A little while later the phone rang and my mom answered it and when she got off the phone she said we have a doctors appointment on Monday.
A little while later everyone left for church, and left Tyler and I at home.
"Well since we can't go to church I'll go get my bible."
"I can't find my bible so I will just get my phone out."
When I opened my bible app it notified me to read Job 31 for some odd reason so that's where we read from.

After we finished reading we had a discussion about it.
"I feel like it's saying that you shouldn't feel lust towards another woman/man and if I do so let me be punished in any way."
"I agree. Except I think it's meaning it more generally, like if I do wrong towards any woman or man and if I betray my husband/wife let me be punished in any way."
When I looked up from saying that Tyler was just looking at me, not a creepy way but in a cute way so I met his gaze. When we were in the gaze he seemed to be saying, "I will never betray you and will never do you wrong. I will always be there for you."
Then I just suddenly heard, "I love you." Next thing I knew he was leaning in so I just leaned in a little so he wouldn't be as scared.

When we heard the front door click we flew back almost immediately.
"How was your day you two." Mom asked and Kolbie just gave me a look.
"It was great." I replied smiling at Tyler
"Did you read any scripture today?"
"Yep we read from Job 31."
"Oh. Ok." she said kind of bluntly.
"Is something wrong?" I asked concerned.
"Well.........I don't know."
"My phone just notified me to read it so if that helps at all."

When I turned on the tv Tyler stole the remote and turned a game on and my dad and brothers immediately came over and sat down. I think I like falling asleep on the couch when the tv is on because I woke up to Tyler stroking my hair, and I turned my head and gazed at him and when our eyes might we tried our hardest not to kiss so when the boys took a bathroom break Tyler leaned down and gave me a little peck, but I turned it into something more. My mom and Kolbie walked in right as the boys walked in.

"Where do we want to go for Christmas this year? Sean, Jane do you want to come?"

"We can't do that to you."

"No, no we don't mind; the more the merrier."

"Ok then."

"How about we go to the mountains?!!!" Kolbie said excitedly.

"I don't think Tyler and Kayla will be will enough to do that. What do you think?"

"Yeah it would have only been a month after all of this so somewhere where there isn't really any climbing involved."

"Fiiiinne" Kolbie griped.

"How about Barcelona?"

"That sounds good. I will go find some condos that can fit us all. Then, we will start getting our Christmas wish-lists together, and start the forever wait."

"Don't forget you two have an appointment tomorrow at 11." My mom trailed out of the room.

At this point we are like one big happy family if the Gondrees want to stay over the we could care less. The odd part is we have never been to their house.

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