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"You're so beautiful." Tyler caught me off guard.
"I'm sorry you had to see that, I know you wanted to stay clean until marriage." I ranted, tears streaming down my face.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Tyler asked every so softly and kindly.
"Well when Blake and I were dating something happened and one thing led to another and yeah."
"Oh." Is all I got from Tyler, "You know what it won't count because you were forced to even though technically you still don't have your 'v card'."
"Thank you," I rolled over and lay my arm around him as he pulled me close, "I love you."
"I love you too"

Eventually we dozed off and ended up spooning like in every romance story except I don't think this happens afterwards.
"KAYLA! I CANT BELIEVE YOU!!!!" My mom walked into my room.
"Whaaaat???!!" I asked groggily and half asleep as Tyler popped up.
"You. And. Tyler. Y'all. Did. "My mom sort of stuttered. "I can't believe y'all!!"
"Mom, no! It's not what you think it is. Blake came over and yeah. So then Sophia called Tyler and he came over here and told Blake off. Then I laid down in my bed with out anything on because I was still practically frozen in shock and tears were still rolling down my face so I threw my blanket over me and Tyler came and comforted me."
"Oh. That Blake kid needs to stay away from you. He is bad news. If he is over here ever again the cops are getting called and you will be grounded."
"Mom!! It's not like I want him over here!"
"He shouldn't be over here how many times have I told you?!!"
"I don't invite him over here!!! Why can't you grasp the fact that I hate him too and I wish nothing but hell for him!!!"
"Still." My mom looked at me as if it was ALL my fault.
"Uuugggh!!! I hate it when you do that! Get out!!!" My mom gets on my last nerve sometimes.
"Well you sure do love your mom." Tyler smirked once she left.
"Very funny smart one." I smarted.
"Well some one woke up in the wrong side of the bed."
I rolled back over and dozed off.

**********Tyler's POV**********

I woke up in Kayla's room and she was under my arm still sleeping so I decided to just lay there and let her sleep. When she started to wake up I said, "Good morning beautiful."

She sat up almost immediately.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you." I looked down because the sheet fell off of her.

"Tyyyylllleeeerrrr!." She rubbed her face and let her head drop. "What time is it?"

"Uhmmmmm." I pulled out my phone. "5:06 pm"

"There goes my sleep for tonight." She got up and walked to the bathroom. And I forgetting that she was naked watched her and i guess i forgot my vow to stay clean too.
She walked out in a bra and shorts and I was still forgetting my vow watching her every move. I didn't have the desire or anything she was just so beautiful. Then she put a shirt on and I flopped onto the bed knowing the moment was over.
"Let's go down and get something to eat." She snapped me out of my thoughts.
We walked downstairs and she grabbed a bag of chips and two sodas and plopped on the couch.
I cuddled up next to her as we just ate chips, drank soda, and enjoyed the moment. I turned a foot ball game on and spread across the couch as Kayla laid down on me.
"Hey. Do want to go to the gym with me tomorrow?"
She looked at me and said, "Sure."
Then she leaned down and kissed me as her hand traveled under my shirt and found my abs as my hand found her stomach I could feel her suck in a breath as my hand touched her. As we lay there making out I could feel it getting harder and harder to control myself and I couldn't find the courage to stop. Kayla obviously didn't mind and since we mom was at a cooking class and her dad and brothers were working the there was no one to hide from. I pulled her shirt off then she followed my action and pulled mine off. I started massaging her breast as she rubbed my chest and traveled to my now boner and she smirked as she started unzipping my pants and she started to pull them down and get at her pants. Then as she worked at getting my underwear off I worked at hers and just as something bad was about to happen she sat up and looked as guilty as ever.
"What's wrong baby" I hugged her as she started to cry.
"I'm not in the mood anymore." Tears pouring down her face as she whimpered. "I'm sorry." She fell into me.
"Don't worry. I mean we almost got too far."
"What does it matter now? I've fücked up twice now. It's only fair for me to give you what you want. The only person it would hurt is our parents. I mean you might as well fück up too."
I just hugged her tight, "It's ok. Now we don't have to hide anything from our parents."
I could tell she was getting drowsy so I carried her up to her bed and came down and collected our clothes. I got dressed and left a note on her bedside table; Hey Kayla. I left just so your mom wouldn't suspect anything again. Don't worry about anything it's all okay I still love you the same no matter what.
          ~With love,

Kayla and Tyler. Together ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now