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A few of my friends came over.
My mom walked over and opened the door.
"Hey guys. It's been a while since we've seen you all here at once.
"Who is this guy Kayla?" Sophia curiously asked hoping he was single.
"I guess you could say he is my boyfriend,"I said with the slightest bit of attitude and a smile.
Tyler looked at me and smiled.
"Oh, good job Kayla,"Tracy's boyfriend said.
Tracy elbowed Feo. He was like Hispanic or French.
"I'm Tyler. I work at the hospital with Kayla. As you can see I was in the wreck too, but I think I will blame it on Kayla for distracting me with her cuteness."
"Oooooh, he's the guy you're always drooling over." I gave Sophia a stern look. "Just kidding!" She quickly corrected herself.
They walked over to the living room and made theirselves comfortable.

Later my grandparents came over.
"Hey sweetie. Who is that handsome man over there?" My grammy asked.
"BOYFRIEND!" Sophia loudly interjected.
"Oh, wow. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, you are a charmer, and every time I come over some guy is here."
My grampy sat next to Tyler and they talked. apparently Tyler's grandpa used to work with my grampy. They started talking about work and family relations and stuff.
"So how are you doing?" My grammy asked worried.
"I'm good. A little sore but good."
"Is there anything I can get you?"
"An ice pack for my ankle would be great. At this point I had been sitting up so I laid my leg across Tyler, and he adjusted it like I did that all the time.
Tyler is such a gentleman. He doesn't worry, everything is casual if it doesn't have to be serious, he really just goes with the flow, and to top it off he is really hot. I think he would make a great dad.
My grammy came back with the ice and smiled at me, so I gave a 'well it is the only position that works' look, and my grammy laughed.
Then, there was a knock at the door. My mom got up and opened the door, and Tyler's parents came to the living room along with his siblings. He had from what I could tell a 14 year old sister that didn't want to be here, a brother that looked to be about 24, and another sister that looked to be about 20.
"The little girl is my sister Sarah she is 13. My brother is Alex, he is 22. My other sister is Brianna; she goes by Bri for short, she is 20."
"Hi nice to meet you all. Sarah, there is some chocolate in the cabinet next to the fridge, you can finish the bag that is open if you want."
She walked to the kitchen, and then came back.
"Thanks, open seat anywhere?"
"Yes. Kolbie get up!"
"Noooooo. I don't wanna."
I gave her a look and she got up immediately.
"Thanks Sarah laughed," as she sat down.
David and Bri started talking. My mom started talking to Tyler's parents. My grampy continued to talk with Tyler. My grammy ended up going to her bedroom and taking a nap. Sarah, Kolbie, and I started talking.
"Thank you so much for the chocolate."
"No problem, I always make sure I have extra. I never know when company comes over."
"Sorry for not giving up my seat immediately."
"It's ok."
"Where's your bathroom."
"You can use mine. Go up the stairs which are right over there." I pointed. "Then when you get up the first set go off to the left, and the door at the end of the hall is mine. You should be able to find it from there."
"Thank you so much."
After hours of chatter every one left, even Tyler left with his family, but my grammy and grampy stayed.
My mom whipped up something for dinner. It was a little nicer than what we usually eat since our grandparents were here. Since we have enough staff my dad and my brother get off at 6:15, so they get home around 6:30.
When I finished I made sure I said ,"thank you," with a sassy look on my face.
My mom, and I cracked up, and the rest just stared. Once we finished dinner I slept in a downstairs guest room so I wouldn't have to hobble up the stairs.

Kayla and Tyler. Together ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now