Care and Christmas pre-prep

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Today was Friday, and all of my family members had to work. Tyler and I were left at my house watching tv.
My mom had to go to her cooking school, David had to go be a bartender somewhere, Kolbie had a date to go on, and my dad and Austin had to go work at the hospital.
Since Tyler's parents had to work he was left at my house.
"So how are your ankle and ribs feeling?"
"Ok I guess. Just cant jerk around, move quickly or get startled."
We both laughed after that.
"How're your arms and legs?"
"Can't feel them," he responded with laugh.
"How about all your scratches."
"Pretty tender."
"Do want some peroxide and a few band aids?"
"Sure band-aids will totally help."
"Not the little ones the bigger ones."
"Ok why not."
As I got up on my crutches and hobbled over to get the band-aids Tyler started to try to take his shirt off and couldn't. I must have laughed a little too loud because I saw him slump down like he was embarrassed. When
I got back I took his shirt off for him, and oh my gosh I was right about him having a 12 pack. He must have noticed me staring because he started reaching for the peroxide and a cotton ball. I quickly looked away and started cleaning his scratches and putting band aids on them.
Right as I put his shirt back on my mom walked in the house. Thankfully the front door doesn't go straight to the living room.
"Why are you back so soon mom?"
"Almost all of the kids were out so it was a quick class."
"Oh ok. Do you think you could whip up some lunch for us?"
"Sure why not. What do y'all want to eat?"
"How about a tomato basil bisque with a crepe on the side."
"Won't that take forever?" Tyler asked.
"Not if my mom is making it."
About 5 minutes pass and my mom handed us our tomato basil bisque, and a cup of iced fruit tea. After we finished the bisque my mom handed us our crepes.
"Oh my gosh that was delicious. Thank you."Tyler said enthusiastically.
"Thank you Tyler, that was the first time in months I've heard some one say thank you,"mom said as she glared at me
"Ha,"Tyler smarted as I slid down the couch with guilt.
Eventually I fell asleep with my legs across Tyler's lap. Then, my sister came home and decided it would be funny to slightly tickle me. Thankfully Tyler grabbed my leg before I hurt my ankle.
"Thanks Kolbie," I smarted sarcastically.
"No problem,"she returned the attitude.
"It's so cute watching you and your sister fight and talk giddy," Tyler sweetly remarked. My sister ignored him and walked away.
"Ooooh what's that smell?" She asked.
"Their lunch. I can make you some if you want me to."
After my mom made lunch for my sister she came in the living room and sat down. Tyler had to readjust his leg so I had to reposition my self. Once he repositioned I laid my head across his lap."Hey, what do you want for Christmas?" I interjected.
"I want to meet Johnny Stern!"my sister abrupt.
"Who is that,"Tyler asked innocently.
My sister and I looked at him wide eyed.
"YOU DONT KNOW WHO JOHNNY STERN IS?!!!" We shouted in unison.
"He is only the HOTTEST actor ever," my sister explained.
"Anyways what do you want for Christmas Tyler?"
"I want you," Tyler said sweetly with a sweet smile.
"Okay anything else?"
"I want some new running shoes/work out shoes."
He reached for his phone and showed me a picture of some really hot shoes that were only $267.
"What do you want for Christmas," he asked in return.
"I want some 10 pound weights and more workout clothes. I also want some shoes, I will show you later."
"Gosh Kayla he's not a trillion-are," my sister teased.
"Oh speaking of which there's some jewelry and make up I want that I will show you later too," I said with a laugh.

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