Second Date

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Tyler got his casts off about a week after me and after about three days we went on a second date except I had no idea where we were going. We stopped In front of this cafe and Tyler stopped me and said, "You don't need to get out."
"Okaaayyy.....?" I was a little confused and Tyler just hobbled into the cafe and about 5 minutes later he came back with something in his hands. I just couldn't tell what. Then about 30 minutes later the beach came into view and Tyler parked. He grabbed the mysterious basket and we walked to the beach and surprisingly hardly anyone was there. Once we found a place to sit he opened the basket and pulled out food. It wasn't just any food it was seafood; ironic how were eating it on the beach.
"This looks amazing." I drooled.
"I hope it is."
After that we dug in not saying a word until we were done.
"I'm gonna go put all of this back into my truck."
"I'm gonna go with you."
Once we put everything back in the truck we went back to the beach and tried to take a walk on the beach, but it isn't easy when you're limping and your boyfriend is on crutches so we decided to go somewhere else. We ended up at the farmers market that's just a few minutes into town and you can still see the beach from it. We picked up a few things to cook with and headed to the store to get some Christmas shopping done. Once we finished we went to his house because his family was over at my house for something. Right before he opened the door he looked at me and said, "I've had a great time so far."
"Me too" We kissed.
Once he opened the door I set the groceries from the farmers market down and helped him walk over. We started cooking and of course we had to go cliché and give a few kisses here and there. Once I finished cooking we had some snow crab on a bed of mango peach flavored rice and some fresh herbs on top.
"This is amazing Tyler said with a mouthful."
"Well it doesn't look amazing in your mouth." Tyler quickly shut his mouth. "Are you going to make any dessert?" Tyler asked once he swallowed.
"Yes. It's in the oven.
"That's what smells so amazing"
"Yep." And the timer dinged.
I went over and got the coconut crème brûlée.
"Oh my gosh that looks amazing." Tyler drooled. "You definitely take after your mom." I smiled at that.
Once we finished dessert I started some coffee and we went to cuddle and watch Netflix.
"What do you want to watch?"
"I don't know."
No one ever knows what to watch on Netflix so I just scrolled and randomly selected something.
"What did you pick." Tyler looked up from his phone.
"I don't know."
"I've never heard of this."
"Well I hope it's good."
Once the movie was over I ended up laying on Tyler. We both turned our heads making our lips brush and turning it into a long kiss as his hands traveled my back, but when he got a little further he stopped but I continued to kiss him.
"We can't do this" he stopped.
"Why? What's wrong with kissing?"
"Nothing, it's just whenever we kiss I want more and I have to stop before something happens."
"Ok" I was a little sad but eventually fell asleep still on top of him.

***Tyler's Point of View***

I woke up to a body laying on top of me. "Wake up sleepy head
"Whyyy?" She groaned.
"Because it's Sunday and we have to get ready." And I didn't want anything more than what happened last night to happen.
"I don't have anything to wear."
"Look in my moms closet or something." Kayla rolled her eyes at me. Kayla walked out in something that was probably the best option for her.
"Well hello sexy." I gave her a smirk.
"Shut up" she rolled her eyes at me. "I guess we need to head to church now."
"Fine" I kissed her right before we walked out.
When we got to church my mom bombarded me. "We didn't see you drop off Kayla last night. What were yall doing?"
"Mom stop with that I'm 27. And we did nothing."
My mom gave me a stern look and walked away.

Kayla and Tyler. Together ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now