Back To Work

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Today we started back to work and we go on vacation next week for like a month. I'm so happy. I just remembered that he's going to propose. Ok I don't feel good now. Once I got ready for work I still was present-less but I just went about my morning.
      When I got to work we had a surgery at 7 so I went into my room and changed and came out to the spot where we met. The spot where my life was changed.
"Hey" A deep voice cut my thoughts off.
"Hey." I looked up to see Tyler standing there. "Our first day back and first thing is a c-section, how's our luck?"
"Haha. I know right? First we crash then Blake comes back and then the first thing is a c-section. At least we get to see the miracle of life."
We got out of the surgery at about 9 o' clock. I went to my room to clean up so I put new scrubs on and threw the others I the wash and just washed my hair face and hands. It wasn't that bad.
After I put the stuff and the wash and put a face mask on there was a knock on the door.
"...Heee llooo?"
"Hello Tyler can I help you?"
"Yeah, explain what that is." He motioned towards my face.
"It's a face mask."
"Ok anyways I was wondering if you wanted to go grab some lunch?"
"Sure. Give me a minute. You can come in if you want."
"Ok. Wow you really made this room look nice."
"Thanks" I said after I dried my face off.
"Where do you want to eat?"
"I don't know. You?"
"I was thinking the Publix® deli?"
"That sounds fine to me."
I put my hair up and we headed out. But guess who we saw in the waiting room............Blake.
"Well hello there. What a coincidence to see you here."
"I'm here because HE broke my nose."
"Well you deserved it" I sauntered off and Tyler quickly followed.

Kayla and Tyler. Together ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now