Welcome To The Capitol.

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I didn't get to say goodbye. To anyone. No one was able to tell my grandmother in time and so I spent my last moments in District 11 by myself. In a small dark room with only one peacekeeper watching me. They had to be in there just in case the volunteers somehow end up hanging from the ceiling. Now I sat in silence on the train. I heard Lane talking with our mentors in the background but in my head I was still somewhere else. Still in my room with my grandmother playing games that she remembered from when she was younger. 

"Did you hear that Cin?" Lane asks with a grin on his face and my eyes fly over to his. 

"Hear what?" I spit glaring over at him but he only replied by widening his smile. Devis eyes lazily fell onto me and I studied his body language. He looked bored. Over it. He was slumped backwards in his chair and his legs were crossed lazily on the table. Keek was the opposite she sat with her back straight and a smile on her face. She barked out a laugh at me before shaking her head trying to hide her smile 

"We were just talking about how Lane has already helped with your image. It is important that you two get as many sponsors as possible. You two are a very attractive couple and with help from the stylists we could get a lot of sponsors." she says clapping her hands together before she looks over at Lane with loving eyes "Lane here was just thinking how many more sponsors you two would get if you did more of that sort of thing" she says and I raise an eyebrow 

"What are you getting at?" I state coldly and her brows draw together as if she had never been spoken to like that. 

"What she's saying is that we're going to turn this shit show of tributes into a love story that's sure to gain some sympathy before you two die" Devis says bluntly and everybody's eyes fly to his. I watch as Ciri and Keeks jaws flew down to the ground while Lanes eyes looked like they were going to explode out of his head. 

"How'd you win the games?" I ask and Devis looks over at me the slightest hint of surprise on his face before he slips back into the cold expression he normally wears 

"I dropped a tracker jacker nest on the last survivor from the trees" he says emotionlessly and I nod not taking my eyes off of him

 "You think this love story is a good idea?" I ask and he seems to pause for a second thinking about it before he bows his head and I take that as his answer before I look over at Keek, Ciri and Lane 

"Fine then." I breathe out and I watch as everyone seemed to look at each other with surprise on their faces but my eyes flew over to Devis who had the tiniest smirk forming on his face. His eyes were different this time they were full with amusement and something else maybe admiration? 

"So we will be in an alliance?" Lane asks directing his question at me and I nod 

"From the way Keeks looking at me I reckon it'll be more than just an alliance" I state looking over at her eyes that were sparkling. I could just tell she was already planning every single detail of our romance in her head. 

"Good" Lane states with a wink and I shrug before I lean back in my chair 

"Lucky for us, only one of us will have to live with the embarrassment of our relationship after" I state and I saw Devis crack a grin again...I see we were more alike than I first thought. At least he liked my humour. 

"Now for the real stuff, what are your skills?" Keek asks and I roll my neck back so my eyes look up at the ceiling 

"I'm good with a spear. That's how we used to kill the cattle" Lane explains and I had to agree with him. I saw a lot of the boys who would kill the cattle playing around with the spears on a daily. It was kind of their thing while I was stuck hacking fruits and orchids down 

"And Cinder?" she asks and I let a laugh skim through my lips

"Nothing" I breathe out but Lane shakes his head in front of me 

"She's good with a machete you should see her hacking at those roots. Not to mention she's good at climbing oh and running. Truth be told she's just being modest" Lane says as he looks over at me and raises an eyebrow. I tried to make sure the shock wasn't on my face. Had Lane been watching me that closely? I kept to myself. I didn't talk to anyone so how did he know that shit about me? 

"Is that true?" Devis asks speaking up and I stare at him for maybe a second longer than necessary, before I give him a small nod. 

"I'm decent" I whisper.

"Oh gosh we're here" Ciri cries in a sing song voice and my eyes widen as I notice the capitol in front of me. It was beautiful and fucking clean I looked down at the stained clothes that I was wearing and back up at the clean blue sky and the white coloured walls. But as I moved closer to the window we were suddenly under some sort of bridge and I saw the symbols and the graffati of something on the walls one was a mockingjay I knew that. I had seen enough in District 11. How weird. It looked fresh as well. I jumped back into strong arms as suddenly faces appeared before me. Faces that were bleached and changed and covered in make up. Fancy colourful clothes all covered their bodies and they all looked at me as if I were some horse that was heading to the betting pool. They began waving at me and suddenly I felt the strong hands that were holding me moving around me to pull me back into a body. I felt a head lean down onto my shoulder 

"Wave" Lane whispers in my ear and I weakly hold my hand up before waving it awkwardly. "good. Now smile" Lane says and I watch as his hand begins to wave in front of me and I could only imagine the smile that must have been on his face. I began to smile and I watched as the crowd went nuts. The more Lane touched me the louder they got. Until finally the train came to a stop and I felt something wet press against my cheek when I turned my head i nearly gasped. Lanes face was so close to mine and he only grinned when his eyes landed on me. "Welcome to the capitol"

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