A Parade Of Pain.

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I had just spent the last few hours being tortured physically, mentally and emotionally. I had never been in so much physical pain before, and no I didn't get my neck snapped a thousand times, it was way worse than that. The past three hours had been what the two crazy looking captiol people had called a makeover. I thought I was going to have a peaceful morning when I had been told I was having a spa day Ciri explained it to me as a calming relaxing experience. It should've been a red flag when the woman with surgically placed horns and blue dyed skin walked into the room. Followed by a man who had clearly had his ribs removed and legs had been stretched to the point where he looked twice the height of me. They were terrifying and I couldn't help the reflex of jumping every time they touched me. It didn't even stop after I realised they were actually human beings but that lead to the mental torture, now imagine being told you were so dirty that they had to scrub your skin multiple times just to somewhat make you look clean and then to comment "We're just going to have to give up". Now being told I looked like shit was perfectly fine but what wasn't fine was the emotional torture that came after that. They seemed to drag out their words and laugh annoyingly at gossip trying to make jokes with me that I couldn't quite understand...most of the jokes were at my expense my favourite joke so far was when the woman Jeli told me I was poorer than the poodle she had at home. Finally when they had stopped touching my body and taken a step back the tall man named Ricci began to burst out in tears. He placed a hand to his mouth to cover the sobs and I watched as Jeli seemed to wrap her arms around the tall man just barley grasping onto his legs. Suddenly someone else walked into the room and my eyes shot up to see a man only slightly older than me in enter the room. He was a capitol man that much I was sure of but only barley. You had to look closely at his features...the make up on his face that only someone from the capitol could afford. The way his hair was styled in a slick back way and the way sparkles covered his face creating lines on his cheekbones that made his eyes seem to sparkle more. He wore some sort of designer jeans with a top that was covered in patterns. It was amazing how normal but capitol he looked at the same time.

"You two may leave" he states and I looked up to see the tall man go straight accidentally bumping his head crying out in pain as he rubbed the back of his head before giving the normal looking man a nod and running out. Jeli quickly followed her mouth wide in shock and I finally let out a breath of relief before my eyes flew back to the normal looking man. He was studying me with curiosity and when his eyes reached mine he let a smile fall onto his face

"Colwort Welldrop you can call me Col, nice to meet you I do have to apologise for those two...they can be a bit much" he breathes out and I let a chuckle fall from my lips. The man was stunning and I was nervous. I had never met someone from the Capitol who seemed so down to earth.

"Cinder Willburg" I state and he shrugs

"I know" he says cooly before he walks over to me and sits down on the bed next to me. I felt exposed. I was still only in bra and panties but Col barley even looked down his eyes remained on mine. "Now I have to go over some plans with you. I must let you know I have already talked to Lane and my partner Misha who is his stylist and we have some very clear ideas on what we will be doing for the tribute parade. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with everything." he says and I nod as he opens up a book on his lap before shifting closer to me. When he turned to a specific page I gasped when I saw his drawing. It was a beautiful suit covered in flowers with thorns in some sort of headband ontop of the drawings head.

"That's beautiful" I whisper and he smiles brightly over at me. It was clear that his teeth were fake. I had never seen anything whiter in my life not to say they weren't beautiful hell maybe if I won the hunger games I would have to invest in some of that shit.

"I'm glad you enjoy the outfit but that's for Lane, trust me yours is ten times prettier" Col jokes and I smile looking over at him

"I don't think I'll compare to Lane he's gorgeous anyway" I say and Col laughs slightly

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