Chapter Twenty

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I felt like I was flying around my bedroom as I rushed to get dressed for the wedding

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I felt like I was flying around my bedroom as I rushed to get dressed for the wedding.

Sky was sitting up in bed, his eyes following me as I quickly paced all around. We'd spent the earlier part of the morning just hanging out in bed as I'd rested my head on his chest, and he'd told me about the myriad of memories he had about Trent when they were both little kids. Sky had also run his idea for a wedding toast by me a few times, keenly listening as I gave my suggestions about what to keep and what to throw straight in the trash.

It was nice, spending time with him like that. And I had to admit that waking up beside him made me want to wake up beside him, again and again, for as long as he'd have me.

But I didn't have time to think about that right now. And even though I still felt the L word somewhere in my throat, my future confession of love was going to have to wait.

I caught a glimpse of the time as I glanced at my alarm clock on the other side of the room.

I needed to get to the wedding venue in the next thirty minutes. Thankfully, I'd just finished putting my shoes on, so I was pretty much ready to walk out the door.

"I'll see you at the wedding?" I asked Sky as I headed out of the apartment.

"See you at the wedding." His response sounded like there was a smile on his face.

And because I'd become the kind of person who loved seeing his smile more than anything, I turned back around and rushed toward the bed, giving him a quick kiss.

He smiled for the second time.

And then, I finally left my apartment.

* * *

I still felt like I was flying.

But maybe that was because ever since I'd shown up at the wedding hall, I hadn't had a chance to sit down, and had barely been given a moment to breathe. I was in charge of overseeing every last detail, which included the flowers, the decorations, the cake, the DJ, the dress, the glitter, the hair pieces, the bridesmaids, the groomsmen, the seating arrangements, the way Clarissa didn't like the way one of the chandeliers in the reception hall leaned slightly to the right.

And now, I was with the bride as we finished getting her ready to walk down the aisle. She seemed calm, which I was grateful for, especially with so much else going on around me. And as I was mentally marking her off my wedding to-do list, assuming that I wouldn't need to comfort a nervous bride, I heard the sound of a small cry.

And then, that small cry turned into a sob.

And the sob turned into a wail.

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