Chapter Twenty-six

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“God, why haven’t they found a way to inject coffee directly into my veins?” I complained, sitting behind my desk

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“God, why haven’t they found a way to inject coffee directly into my veins?” I complained, sitting behind my desk. Between trying to figure things out with Sky and the recent onslaught of clients at my job, I’d felt like I was running on empty.

Although, handling clients was a lot easier than trying to navigate my relationship with Sky. Dealing with my clients was simple, because ultimately, they all wanted the same thing: a nice wedding.

But with Sky? I had no idea what he wanted at the end of the day. And I didn’t want to delude myself into thinking that he wanted me, even though that was what he claimed.

I wasn’t falling for that one again. I couldn’t put my heart in such peril.

As my thoughts filled with Sky, I heard someone knocking -- hard -- on my door. I got up to answer it, putting on my best customer service face, wanting to seem like I wasn’t as tired as I felt. “Good morning! Welcome to Raven’s Wedding Services... oh.”

My face fell when I realized that Edward was standing on the other side of my door. “Raven. There you are.”

“Here I am…” My words trailed off as I looked him up and down. “What did you want, Edward?”

“I just wanted to talk. May I come in?”

“Sure,” I said, even though I didn’t trust his intentions for even a second. I nodded toward the guest chair in my office before I turned back around and took a seat at my desk.

Edward closed the door behind him before he sank down into the seat across from me. “We need to talk about Sky.”

“What about him?”

“You’ve put some kind of spell on him.” Edward smiled. “You know that? I think he’d go to the ends of the earth for you.”


“I think he’d throw his whole life away for you. I think he’d throw his entire legacy away for you.” He laughed. “Isn’t that insane? That boy has had a fortune coming to him for his entire life, but he’d rather not see a dime of it if it means not being with you.”

“Was there something you wanted to say to me, Edward?” I braced myself for his response.

“I just came here to apologize, Raven,” he continued. “Because you are not a gold digger.”

“Thank you--”

“No, you are something much worse,” he went on. “It’d be one thing if you just wanted to leech off my son, but no. You want to pull the plant out at the root. You want to cut him off at the knees. You want to ruin everything for my family.”

“What? I don’t want to ruin anything for your family,” I explained. “I just like Sky, okay?”

“And how much would it cost for you to stop liking him?”

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