Chapter Twenty-seven

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Raven and I were at Neon City, waiting for Laurel and Briar to show up

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Raven and I were at Neon City, waiting for Laurel and Briar to show up. Things with Raven had seemed borderline magical ever since we’d said we loved each other, every moment filled with so much heart and light.

Even now, as we held hands across the table, I could’ve sworn that I felt sparks coming off his skin.

“You look beautiful,” I murmured, my eyes not leaving his.

He smiled at me. “You look beautiful, too.”

“It’s not the same.” I shook my head. “The way you look… it’s transcendent.”

“Transcendent?” He chuckled. “I haven’t heard that word in a while.”

“Damn. I was hoping I’d be the first to use it on you.”

“Ehh. A lot of words have been used on me, Sky. Some good. Some bad.” He grinned. “But I always appreciate the effort you put into trying to surprise me.”

“How about resplendent?” I asked, trying to find a word Raven hadn’t heard used on him before.

“One time. In 2015.” He chuckled again. “But I think you might be getting warmer.”

I smiled. “And this is the curse of having a hot boyfriend. It’s much harder to compliment him, since the whole world has showered him with all of the compliments already.”


“Shit. Right. Sorry.” I sighed. “I forgot that I was supposed to ask you about that first.”

“You should ask me, then.” He smiled.

“Really? You won’t mind if I ask you while we’re here?”

“You never know when the sky is going to fall, Sky. Pun not intended,” he said. “It’s better to know where we stand, than to spend the rest of our lives wondering, you know?”

“Sure. Yeah.” I took in a deep breath before I asked, “Raven Williams, will you be my boyfriend?”

“What are you talking about? I’ve been your boyfriend for weeks.” He grinned, giving me a soft kiss.

I returned his kiss with just as much gentleness, always enjoying the feel of Raven’s lips on mine.

“Please don’t tell me you invited us here just so we can watch you two make out.” Briar frowned. “If I wanted to watch PDA, I could’ve just sat on that one bench in the park.”

“Yeah, right. Good luck getting to that bench. It’s always so busy,” Laurel said as he took a seat beside me. “Sky, random question! How do you feel about green peppers?”


“See? Like I told you, Briar.” Laurel rolled his eyes. “Most people don’t have an opinion about green peppers, either way.”

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