The Doppelgänger

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Before the wedding, I went downstairs to look for Hermione. I had my dress on and my hair done, but I needed to find the necklace that she had told me she got for me.

I was at the bottom of the steps when I noticed Harry and Ginny standing in the kitchen, his fingers zipping up her dress. They were both strangely close, and I could feel my hear in my throat. They wouldn't- no.. 

Their lips met. 

I turned to go back upstairs with my face warm and tears threatening to fill in my eyes.

The whole setting was beautiful. White flowers, white decor, and happy faces. All too happy. But who could be upset for Bill and Fleur's wedding? My purple dress had silky material that covered the scars on my back and went down to my wrists. I ran my fingers up my sleeve and touched the soft cotton. Hermione lead me through the crowds of people as we walked to the reception tent.

We went through the open doors and I adjusted my eyes to a calmly lit room. There were floating lanterns all around, and deep red curtains hanging from the walls. I walked over to the small table of drinks and picked up a small shot glass of fire whiskey, and emptied the glass into my mouth. The fire whiskey burned as it went down my throat, and my eyes started to water. My body started tingling. I smiled. The party had just begun.

"Someday love will find you, 

Break those chains that bind you. 

One night will remind you, 

How we touched and went our separate ways."

I sat at a round table, listening to the peppy music. It made me sick. I almost wanted to just leave the reception, but that would have been rude. Instead, I sat alone with a full wine glass of fire whiskey, sipping as my mind went numb.

"If he ever hurts you 

True love won't desert you 

You know I still love you 

Though we've touched and went our separate ways"

I thought about the song lyrics and listened for more.

"Troubled times  

Caught between confusions and pain 

Distant eyes 

Promises we made were in vain."

I almost wanted to laugh aloud. All of the words I had heard explained everything I had been through with Harry. I shook my head, clearing those thoughts. I took a deep breath in, and out. I had another swig of my drink. My brain was buzzing. I had the feeling that I was supposed to be somewhere, doing something. I was practically out of it. I looked around the room and found everyone I knew. Hold on, Ginny was missing. She was probably in the bathroom, or outside of the tent. Or kissing Harry. 

"Would you like to dance?" I looked up and saw a muscular hand, led up to a chiseled face with clean cut brown hair and brown eyes. A stranger held his hand out for me. If it weren't for all the alcohol in my body, I would have sat and stared at this gorgeous man.

"I would love to dance." I took his hand, and he pulled me up as I heard a slow song starting.

"My names Sean." He added as he brought me to the dance floor. He put one arm on my waist, and grabbed my hand with the other. I rested my free arm on his shoulder.


We swayed along with the music, and I tried to blink out the numbness in my brain, sweeping through my body.

"May I cut in?" A voice asked. I felt Sean's arm lift of my hip, and he let go of my hand.

"Of course." He turned to me. "Have a good night." And with that he walked away, a smile plastered on his face. I rapidly batted my eyelashes as Harry stepped into my view. I nearly barked out in laughter.

He placed both of his arms on my waist and I melted, remembering his touch on my body. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and clasped them on his neck.

"Pretty necklace." He commented, seeing the silver chain tucked under my dress. I blushed.

"And being apart 

Ain't easy on this love affair 

Two strangers learn to fall in love again 

I get the joy of rediscovering you 

Oh, girl, you stand by me 

I'm forever yours 


"How ironic is this song?" Harry whispered in my ear. My ear was tickled by his breath, and I couldn't answer him.

"Really ironic," I muttered back, once I found my voice. I looked up into his eyes. They were locked on mine, and I was frozen. I stopped dancing. Tingles shot up my body. The song started going through an instrumental part, and I realized that if I wanted to stop I had to do it now or never.

"I gotta.." I whispered, and pulled my arms off his shoulders. I slipped out of his grasp and scurried off outside the tent. I had flaked under pressure. I took a couple of deep breaths in as my heart continued to thump. He had just kissed Ginny this morning! How dare he try to make a move on me! I grabbed another glass of fire whiskey from a server standing in the entrance of the tent, and downed it in less than a minute.

I looked back in the tent, and saw myself in the tent again. What? I blinked hard and peered back inside. I was probably seeing things. The fire whiskey had gone to my head. I was starting to hallucinate.

I slapped myself hard across the cheek, and looked in the tent again. I wasn't going crazy. I was talking to Harry as the song stopped. I was smiling and he was laughing, just like old times. Now I was awake, and most definitely alert.

I stormed back in the tent, and froze as tingles shot up my spine again. Something was wrong. I turned my head around to see a bright light flash across the sky, and into the room. The booming voice of Kingsley Shacklebolt rang throughout the room

"The ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming."

I stood there, torn by the words of his patronus. I started hyperventilating as I searched the room for Harry. I saw him with my clone, rushing towards Hermione and Ron.

"Stop!" I screamed, bustling through the crowds of frantic people. I pushed someone aside and grabbed onto Harry. He looked at me with panic and confusion. "It's me! I'm the real Lexa!"

The clone shrieked in reply.

"Harry, she's going to hurt you!" she screamed with my voice. Harry stood there, shocked at us.

"It's me, Harry! My mothers Ruby Black, father Sirius! It's a trick, she's taken a polyjuice potion!" I tried to get him to see the light. The clone laughed.

"Anyone could know that about me! Come on Harry, we need to go!" She whined.

Just then, I ripped the necklace out from under the dress covering it, and brought my hand up to slap her. It hit her with a smack, and I nearly screamed in frustration.

"It's me!" I shouted again. The clone widened her eyes, but quickly replaced her face with an empty expression.

"You're all going to die. But it's my time and place to tell you that you can't trust anyone." The clone giggled, and disapparated with a crack. Death eaters swarmed the tent, and I was swallowed through darkness as Hermione grabbed onto my arm.

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