Room of Secrets

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"Neville?" I gasped as Neville Longbottom led the group of wizards.

"Blimey, Lexa, you gave us all a scare!" Neville sighed and lowered his wand. "What're you doing? Where's Harry and Ron and Hermione?"

"I'm not with them," I told him. My eyes scanned the room for a moment until they found Ginny Weasley. I hesitated to continue. "I can't tell you what they have planned either, I swore to them I'd keep quiet."

"Are they alright?" he asked. I nodded. 

"Is there any chance I could talk to you, Neville? Alone?" I added, feeling more and more intimidated with the linger eyes of Ginny. 

Neville walked off in the Room of Requirement to a secluded corner with three armchairs. He took one and I sat opposite him. 

"Is there anything you can tell me?" he asked. I hesitated once more until I saw that Ginny's wandering eyes were gone. 

"They're breaking into the Ministry, Neville," I said, my voice lower than a whisper. His eyes widened in shock.

"Are they trying to get themselves killed?" 

"Must be something like that, yeah," I said. 

"What're they gonna do?" 

"They're looking for something," I said. "I really don't know much more than that. If they find it, they'll be one step closer to defeating You Know Who." 

Neville nodded in understanding.

"Is there anything we can do to help them?" he asked. 

"Just keep quiet and don't tell anyone, alright? I'd be my fault if they got busted before even doing anything." He nodded again and there was a long pause before he continued. 

"Are you going to be staying here with us?" 

"For now, yes," I said. "If I can, that is."

"Of course. Classes start tomorrow, if you're wanting to go."

"God, no," I grumbled. "I might do a little transfiguration and sneak into the Great Hall for meals, but I'm not going to torture myself in those bloody lessons." 

"Was it that bad earlier? Why are you guys already hiding out here?" I continued after a few seconds of silence. 

"They searched and nearly tried to curse everyone as soon as we stepped off the trains. We decided on the train ride that if anything happened we'd come here. They tried to put us on lockdown but a few of us Gryffindors managed to sneak away during the silence, and Luna brought some Ravenclaws here 'swell. We figured we'd get better sleep here than in our beds."

I scanned the room and most of the students were returning to the hammocks hanging from the wall on the other side of the room. 

"You gave us quite the scare when you came. We charmed the tunnel to sound and alarm incase anyone tried to get in and it blared like crazy when it went off." He laughed for a moment before continuing. "We all jumped out of bed as soon as we heard it and drew our wands. We warned Abe that we would be in here but we didn't think he'd actually send anyone through." 

"What time is it, Neville?" I asked. 

"A little after two, I suppose." 

"Get some rest then, you've got your lessons in the morning. Is anyone keeping watch?" 

"No, we've all been sleeping."

"I suppose I'll stay awake then," I said. "Not like I'm going to sleep anyway."

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