In the Past

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The nails dug into my skin once more, ripping my flesh open and sending pools of blood pouring down my leg. My screams broke the silence, and I tried to pull myself away. The voice sending sounds out of my mouth sounded like nails screeching on a chalkboard. I shouted until my throat was bone dry, scratching at itself uselessly.  

I curled myself into a fetal position and whimpered, my loud heartbeat drumming against my chest.

My nightmare cut to a darkening sky and a stone sidewalk. My heart leaped, and started racing. This was no nightmare, only a flashback.

I was looking through my eyes, sprinting along the path with my gun in hand. My lungs were throbbing as my feet pounded against the concrete, barely avoiding falling flat on my face.

I forced myself not to watch. I stared at something in the distance as I dodged a quick spell, and had no choice as my head whipped behind me, pulled the trigger, and continued to run. I heard the noise he made as he fell. I tried not to focus on it, but instead forced myself to wake up.

My body shot up and I was instantly shaking, my skin lined with a layer of sweat. I tried to slow my heartbeat down, but it was no use. I still had shot him. I didn't even know if he was alive today because of my actions.

My eyes slowly drifted, and I gasped as I found Hermione, Harry, and Ron standing in the doorway. What were they doing here?!

"We need to talk," Hermione piped up, a flash of rage crossing her face. I blinked my eyes, making sure that I was seeing clearly.

"Look, right now isn't a good time okay?" I said and huffed out a breath, as if it wasn't obvious already. I got up to shoo them out of my room, and stopped as she pulled her wand out.

"I don't care," she hissed, her teeth clenched together.

"What.." I whispered, and she took another step towards me, wand out. "What do you want to talk about? I'll talk!" Why was her wand pointed straight at my chest?

"You're hiding something from all of us. You're always up here, you never speak to us. We've been forced to believe that you're a spy," Hermione spoke up for all three of them. My mouth dropped open. A spy? Harry and Ron had guilty looks plastered on their faces.

"Are you kidding me?"

"And if you won't tell us, we'll have to resort to forcing you to say something," she looked slightly nervous in saying it, but she was dead serious.

"Hermione," I hissed. What was she thinking? "If I was a spy, you would all be dead by now."

"Well how are we supposed to know!? You could be waiting for the right moment to capture all of us and turn Harry over to-" she shrieked

"Don't say it. And you sound like Bellatrix," I stated, pointed out the raised tone in her voice.

"How would you know? Because your plotting with her?!"

"Because she tortured me for weeks and scarred me all over my body!" My teeth were sealed together in complete rage. "Get out of here, I want you all out."

"I told you we need to know!" What was she going to do, shove veraterserum down my throat? I rolled my eyes as she raised her wand again, and my mouth shot open at her incantation. "Legilimens!"

My head dove straight into my memories, the most recent one running. My shirt was torn apart dried with blood, eyes wild with fear and ribs poking out. I was running on barefoot, nothing to support the pebbles imbedding themselves in my feet. My heart was pounding as I sprinted along the pathway.

"You can't run!" Draco screamed behind me. Back at the manor, Bellatrix was lying on the ground tending to the gunshot wound on her leg thanks to me. I held the gun tightly in my hand, it being the only key to living and escaping.

I ducked as a green light shot over my head. How could he try to kill me? I readied the gun in my hand, two could play at that game.

I turned while running and pulled the trigger as I aimed at Draco's body. The gun fired off and I heard a thump as his body fell to the ground. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. My eyes bulged as I started stepping towards the motionless body on the ground.

"Oh my god," I said out loud. I had practically killed him. "Oh my god.." I whispered, as tears formed in my eyes. "Please don't.. No.." My voice cracked as he started moaning on the ground. I covered my mouth with my hand as small cries came out. My chest started heaving in and out. I was shaking so badly that the gun fell to the ground. I dropped down next to him. I touched his face, and his wild eyes darted to me.

I had hit Draco straight above his heart. His body was rising and lowering, hyperventilating and sputtering.

"Please don't die.. Please. I never-" I couldn't finish the sentence as shouting voices filled my ears. I shot up off the ground, picked up the gun, and ran away from the near still body.

My vision faded to another memory. I was lying in the cellar, my face streaked with blood, and my eyes hollowed out of their sockets.

"Bring me the girl!" Bellatrix shouted from upstairs. I went into panic mode, but quickly wiped my face clean of any emotion. Wormtail came into view from the top of the stairs, and opened the cellar bars. He grabbed me by the ropes molded into my wrists and I glared at him as he pushed me up the stairs. He whimpered and I followed his order by walking. I reached the top of the stairs and I was thrown on the ground, hitting my hip and shoulder hard.

I bit my lip, forcing myself not to cry out as she kicked me in the back. Tears welled in my eyes but I fought them off.

"Little blood traitor!" She howled. "Filthy Black, little bitch!" And shouted insult as she spat into my face. I didn't dare move, only jumped as I felt something cut into my leg. My flesh ripped open as she cut the knife into my leg. I screamed in pain and she laughed, pinning my tiny, weak body down easily. I thrashed in her grip as she traced the knife on my leg.

My own bloodcurdling screams flooded the room. Blood on the floor rolled into my view, and my eyes started seeing blotches of black. All of my strength was poured into my screaming as tears poured down my eyes. My head clouded up, and I stopped making noise as I passed out.

I opened my tear filled eyes. I looked up at Hermione who was gaping at me.

"Are you happy now?" I asked in a shaking breath, having to relive my worst memories. She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again having nothing to say. "Please leave, please."

I turned around, gathering my knees to my chest, sobs escaping my lips. I heard the door close, and I believed that they all had walked out. I was wrong.

Protective arms wrapped around me. I wrapped my arms tightly around Harry, and cried into his chest. He had never seen me so weak, so vulnerable.

He held me as I sobbed in his arms, completely broken.

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