Life of a Black (Sequel to Life of a Malfoy)

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I suggest you read my previous story, 'Life of a Malfoy' ( in the external link ) before reading this story. Thank you!

(Otherwise, you will be completely lost. Just saying.)


I was running.

No, I'm underestimating myself. I was for sure sprinting. The air outside restricted me from gaining my breath back; it was dark, cold, and humid. I stopped, turned around, and continued slowly walking backward. They weren't trailing me, that's all I knew. I was panting like a shabby mutt, and my face was drenched with sweat. I had probably lost them a few minutes back.

My inability to use magic had greatly affected me. I hadn't came of age yet, so the Ministry could track me. And that would only bring me more problems.

Okay, so you ask the questions now. Why was I running? Where was I running from? Who am I?

The last question, I can't tell you.

I was running from the Death Eaters, but thankfully not Voldemort himself. He uses his little puppets to do all of his work for himself, doesn't he?

Well, I had just escaped, and they liked to keep their tabs on me. I really had no idea where I was running to. No joke.

I started walking, and my breathing slowed down a whole lot. I figured if worst came to worst, I could stop at the Burrow. Ron's mom always liked me... I think...  

My mind started drifting away, and thought about how long it had been since I had seen my friends. Two months.. I felt the pressure in the air, and realized that it had to be the middle of July. My birthday was in a month or so, which meant magic. Thank God.

I didn't even look before I stepped in a large water puddle that soaked my shoes. I growled, and took them off. Walking around in a ripped dirty shirt and a pair of destroyed jeans must have looked funny, not to mention a filthy bag that I packed with 'necessities'. Not caring, I continued on the street. At eleven o'clock, there weren't many open stores. Hopeful, I walked into a little cafe. The only worker there was a young man, probably a few years older then me. He was giving the only other people in the cafe their bill, and the old couple walked out after giving him money.

The waiter looked at me, and gave me a fake warm smile.

"Can I get you something?" I smiled back sweetly, and sat on one of the table tops.

"You see, my hair's been in this braid for awfully too long. I'm really hungry, and I've had nothing to eat for the past week." Everything I had said was true. My dirty hair had been braided to the side for four weeks.

"I'm sorry."

"I don't have any money, and I've been living on the street after my boyfriend kicked me out. He abused me, and killed our daughter." I started fake tearing up, and fake tears came out of my eyes. I wiped them, and lied. "My parents wouldn't take me in. I don't have anything to eat or wash with." I shivered, as it was very cold outside. I used my charm, and batted my long black eyelashes at him.  

"Here, let me go find something for you." He went into the kitchen and backroom. I held my stomach as it grumbled. I had lost at least twenty pounds in the last two months. I was far too skinny, and needed a lot more food then I was being fed. 

Minutes later, the waiter returned with a bar of soap and a couple of pastries. Score one for moi. Now came the real fun.

"Do you have a bathroom where I can wash up?" I asked sweetly.

"Down the hall and to the right." He smirked.

"Thank you very much." I pecked him on the cheek and walked into the bathroom with the bar of soap in hand. I unbraided my hair and it fell limp and I combed through it with my fingers. I ran it under the cool, refreshing sink water and lathered the soap into it. The soap smelled like lemons, and so did my hair. After rinsing my hair, I wrung it out and threw the rest of the soap into my bag. I searched through my bag, and found my handgun. I made sure it was loaded, and put it into my back pocket.

I walked out of the bathroom and went up to the waiter.

"I have your pastries," He pointed out. I thanked him, and took the bag from him. My stomach grumbled and I sighed.

"I don't think I can thank you enough," I played. My eyes fell dreamy, and I reached up with my left hand to stroke his hair. I twisted it and my eyes locked with his. I gave him a sweet smile, and he stared at my lips. I leaned forward, and we started snogging. One of his arms touched my waist and continued up my body. I reached for the handgun with my right arm, and pulled it out. Without breaking our lips, I held the gun up to his head and fired it. There was a loud bang, and the waiter dropped to the ground.

"Whoops," I growled, and kicked his limp body to the side. I turned off all of the front lights in the cafe, and moved the 'OPEN' sign to 'CLOSED'. Making a speedy get-away, I grabbed the waiter's wallet out of his pant pocket, and took several more pastries. I nicked his car keys off the counter, and set all my stuff down. I started dragging the waiter out of the back door, and struggled as I lugged his body into the dumpster.

Feeling sorry for the guy, I closed the dumpster and hoped he found a girlfriend in heaven. I went back into the shop, and searched through the pantry. I found a couple cans of soup, and I went to the dining area and stuffed them in my bag.

I heard the bell of the door, and I ripped out the handgun and pointed it at the door.

"Who's there?!" I demanded.

"Lumos," a gruff voice answered. The lights came on, and I made out the harshly scarred face. I recognized it, but couldn't name it. I slightly lowered the handgun, and the man startled me.

"No!" He shouted. My heart rate increased. "Never lower arms on your enemy!" The thought came to me, I knew this man. 

"You're Mad-Eye Moody.=," I concluded.

"And you're Alexandria Black. There's no need for introductions," He grumbled. "So, what did you do to that poor waiter?" I opened my mouth to speak, but realized it could be a trap. I quickly snatched my wand out of my bag, and held it up to Mad-Eye.

"Is this some kind of trick?" I snarled. "Are you a death eater as disguise like before?!" Fourth year, Barty Crouch Junior used the Polyjuice potion to pretend to be Mad-Eye Moody. He chuckled.


"Then how do you know who I am?"

"You died the same night Dumbledore did. Anyone who knows Dumbledore knows you. Daily Prophet made it quite the news."

"Oh yeah, really unfortunate, wasn't it?" I asked him. He chuckled again.

"You've got a lot of sarcasm. Some people would kill you for speaking like that. Now, do you want a place to stay tonight, or would you like to be here when the muggles realize that waiter is dead?"

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