Chapter 6

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Your P.O.V.

"Hey, earth to Y/N?" I heard someone say, touching my shoulder. I jumped a bit, and looked over at who it was and saw Tubbo

"Oh, sorry-" I said, snapping out of thought.

"You good? You just stood there, looking at Tommy for a while there-" Tubbo said. I didn't know what to say, so I just showed my ring. Tubbo looked at it confused, then realized the color. "WAIT, IS YOUR SOULMATE TOMMY-" Tubbo started whisper yelling, before I covered his mouth.

"Shut your goddamn mouth!" I said. Tommy looked over at us.

"Did someone say my name?" Tommy asked.

"uHHH NOPE, NO ONE DID! Don't worry about it, Tommy!" I panicked. 'Very believable, Y/N.' I thought. Tommy gave us a look.

"I am beyond confused," Tommy said.

"I am too honestly," Tubbo laughed.

"I think that's a good thing. Anyway, should we continue vibing?" I suggested, trying to switch topics. 

"We could, yeah," Tubbo said. I ran off and went to jump around.

Tommy filmed a lot of what we were doing. It was just pure chaos, but it was amazing. One downside to all of this though was that he would need to do a lot of editing, since there was so much music.

We were all sitting and just relaxing, trying to catch our breath for a bit before deciding to cause more chaos.

"So... Is there a plan to do anything else after this?" George asked. 

"No specific plan. Unless you guys have an idea," Tommy spoke up.

"I mean, we could get some food after this if you all wanted," Phil suggested.

"Yeah, we could, but where would we go?" George asked. I looked over at Tommy, who's face lit up.

"Honestly, Subway doesn't sound too terrible," Tommy said.

"I'm down," I joined in the conversation.

"Alright, is that what everyone else would want?" Phil asked. Everyone agreed.

We continued to just kind of sit and vibe, talking about whatever. I looked over at Ranboo and noticed... He was drinking water. Through his mask.

"Ranboo, what the hell?" I laughed. Tommy and Tubbo looked over at him, and started laughing too. Tommy took out his phone.

"Is it actually working!?" Tommy asked, as Ranboo took another sip. (Not me almost typing "Simp" 💀)

"Somehow, yeah," Ranboo laughed.

"Show the viewers what you were just doing!" Tommy said, hitting record. Ranboo laughed, and took another sip. We all just watched, so confused for some reason. Tommy eventually put his phone back in his pocket.

"We should go jump around some more, especially before we have to go," Tommy suggested, standing up.

"I agree. We can go recreate a ✨dRaMaTiC sCeNe✨ on that weird thing over there," I joked, pointing to this thing you could just jump off of, onto a thing of air. (Idk what it's called, just look at the Tom Simons trampoline video, you'll know what I'm talking about there LMAO)

"Y/N, COME WITH ME! I HAVE A PLAN!" Tommy said, grabbing my hand and running over to the platform. 

"What is this plan of yours?" I asked, as we stopped on top of the platform.

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