22 - Butterfly

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Raghav looked up from the file.

"What happened? You look worried?"

"I was looking for the new contract files and I found this"

Raghav took the paper that Farhad held out and read it. Once he was done he looked at Farhad with a smile.

"You aren't mad?"

"Why would I be mad? He wants to protect his sister. It's a little unimaginative, but he is still young ."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Make him understand life"

With that he got up and walked out of his office. He found Nikhil in his cubicle and asked him to come walk with him. They walked downstairs to the restaurants and grabbed a table towards the back.  He sat back and watched Nikhil who was looking everywhere that was not him.  He had enough experience to wait him out.

"Is something wrong sir?"

Raghav took out the letter and placed it on the table. Nikhil took the paper and read it. Raghav could see the realization in Nikhil's eyes.

"Sir..I...I..can..I can explain"

"I don't want an explanation. I know why you want to resign - Pallavi"

Nikhil looked down at his hands. It was then that Raghav truly realized how young Nikhil was.

"Nikhil." He waited until Nikhil looked up at him.

"I will not accept your resignation."

"Because you don't want Di to be mad. Isn't that the reason I got this job?" He spoke with a fake smirk that was so unlike him.

"You know a lot about me. Do you really think I would take away someone else's opportunity? As for Pallavi, it has nothing to do with you."

Nikhil opened his mouth to speak but he held up his hand. "I am not going to explain about Pallavi and me. Not to you or to anyone else. I will tell you this, she is safe with me."

"What about her heart, is that safe with you?"

Raghav had to admire his courage.

"Pallavi is mine. From the moment I had met her she was destined to me."

Nikhil looked at him with wide eyes. Raghav felt a little guilty for what he must do next.

"Your resigning will do nothing to change that. When you first met me you wanted to learn from me. Yet when you have a chance you want to throw it out on a whim."

"She's my sister"

"Did she ask for your help?"

"It's my job to protect her"

"You want to protect her like an older brother. Yet you act foolish and childish. Who do you think will be more upset when you go home without a job?"

He looked down at his hands again. So Raghav took another shot.

"You ask me about breaking her heart yet you are the one that will break her heart"

"She will understand"

"Really! Well then you don't know her as well as I do"

"And that is your interest in Di, to get to know her? Or is it to get her in bed?"

Had Raghav been younger and less in control of his anger Nikhil would have ended up with a punch in the face. Instead he stood up and Nikhil copied him. He moved to stand in front of him and looked him in the eyes.

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