14 - She's my Friend

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Pallavi was pacing back and forth in her office. After a long time it was not worry that had pacing but happiness. She finally knew why Raghav bought all those Sarees. They were for Kriti.  Just knowing the answer to her question from last night made her happy enough to text Raghav.

Such was her mood that even though Raghav hadn't responded to her for a good 25 minutes she still wasn't upset with him. Clearly she was ignoring the own talk from last night and this morning about not building any sort of relationship between them. But right now she didn't care. As her phone rang she rushed around the side which caused her voice to be out of breath when she answered.

"Hi Sweetheart"

"Raghav" - her excitement was visible through her voice. She took a deep breath trying to keep her voice normal.

"You sound happy. Did someone buy more Sarees then me?"

"No. I was just working on the designer selection. That's why."

She waited for him to say something but he stayed mute.

"Hello Raghav, are you there?"

"I am just waiting pallavi"

"Waiting for what?"

"For you to tell me the truth"

Pallavi hated how he knew her so well. There was no point in hiding. If she lied more he will get angry at her. So she told him the truth.

"I just sold over a dozen Sarees. 15 to be precise."

"Hmm no where close to what I bought but still good. Hopefully the person didn't have a same motive as I did"

There was a sight edge in his voice which made pallavi do an internal dance.

"Well it was a sweet girl not an arrogant man."

He laughed "Hmmm the same situation can happen with a girl too"

Pallavi's mouth dropped down in shock at what he was implying.

"Shut up"

"Oh sweetheart you are so naïve. I think we better get started on making you more worldly"

Pallavi was annoyed that he was laughing at her expense. So she said the first thing that would shut him up.

"How can someone like you have such a sweet sister?"

As she expected his laughing stopped. Pallavi gloated for her little victory for all but 5 mins. When he didn't say anything she got a sinking feeling in her stomach.

'Maybe he didn't want her to meet his sister. After all why would he. For him it was all about getting her in bed. A man like him would surely not let his sister interact with his girlfriends - no bedmates.'

As she thought about all this her happy mood disappeared.

"Raghav?" She asked him timidly this time.

"Sorry. Pallavi I will call you later, okay!"

Before she could respond he cut the phone. Pallavi sat down on her chair her heart heavy. She was sure he was calling his sister. He will warn her to stay away from her. After all just because he wanted her in his bed doesn't mean that he wanted anything more. Yet, she was starting to get her hopes up.


Raghav walked into the house aggravated and confused at the same time. What he saw when he walked in didn't help his mood at all. Kriti was in the living room showing Farhad all the sarees she had bought today. He walked towards her. His little sister needed to learn a lesson for what she did today.

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