~ Chapter One ~

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Third Person POV

The Olympians were worried. This past war has taken a toll on everyone but no one more than Percy Jackson. He lost the love of his life, his friends, his parents, and his sister. He's drowning in guilt and grief. The Olympians want to help him but they can't think of anything to help their hero.

"What if we bring him to Olympus," Athena asked.

After the war and the whole Tartarus thing, Percy had grown on her. She was sad to see him suffering.

"No. We don't need the other children getting jealous or thinking he's getting special treatment," Zeus said sadly.

He was another person sad to see Percy suffering. He wanted to help him in any way he could but like everyone else, he couldn't think of anything.

"We have to think of something he won't survive in camp much longer," Poseidon said gravely.

"What about Apollo's son? The famous one part of the mortal group of heroes," Artemis asked.

"How would they help?" Hermes asked.

"They have many different people working together as one. They have the Norse God of Thunder and a legacy of Nemesis," Hestia answered.

"I think that they'll be able to help," Apollo said sunnily.

"Well, Apollo tell your son to get his team and his director somewhere we can talk," Hera announced.


The Avengers were all in the living room watching The Hunger Games. They had just gotten back from an assignment and were finally able to relax.

"Guys. What are we going to do about dinner?" Clint asked.

"I guess I'll cook later," Steve answered.

"Don't forget that Fury is supposed to be coming over in about an hour for a meeting," Natasha reminded everyone.

At that moment the elevator door opened revealing none other than Nick Fury.

"You're early," Natasha noted.

"Yes. I wanted to make sure that everything went smoothly. I have a feeling that something is going to happen soon," Nick said calmly.

Oh, how right he was. A storm was coming to Avengers Tower and the first sign was coming in...






A golden note evaporated out of thin air in front of Clint. Clint rolled his eyes and unrolled the letter.

"What is that paper Eye of the Hawk?" Thor asked.

"It's from my dad. He said that he needs to have a meeting with us in a while," Clint said.

"Clint, who is your father? We've never heard you talk about him," Bruce asked.

"Aw. Buddy, I'm hurt. You never told your friends about me?" Apollo asked, coming around the corner.

"Dad. Not that I'm not happy to see you but why are you here?" Clint asked.

"All will be revealed soon. For now, we need to discuss something very important," Apollo said cryptically.

"And what might that be Lord Apollo?" Fury asked.

"Close your eyes for a second," Apollo said.

The Avengers closed their eyes and saw a bright light. When the light died down and they opened their eyes, they saw thirteen people join Apollo.

"Who are you, people?" Tony screamed.

Fury, Clint, and Thor glared at Tony as they rushed to bow to the Olympians.

"My lords and ladies," they said in unison.

"Rise nephews. Thor. We have much to discuss," Poseidon said.

"Um... we're a little confused here," Steve said.

"Well. At least he follows the rules. We are the Olympian gods. Yes. We're real. We want to ask you for a favor," Athena said quickly.

"Not the weirdest thing we've learned," Tony said resignedly.

"True," Natasha voiced while Bruce nodded his head.

"I thought that there were twelve of you," Bruce said confused.

"That is true. Our nephew was granted a wish and he wished for Hestia and me to have our thrones back," Hades helped.

"And what could we possibly do for you?" Steve asked to get back on track.

"We have just finished our latest war and we have had many casualties," Artemis started but was interrupted.

"Wait! War? How do we not know of this?" Tony asked.

"You wouldn't know a lot about our world because of the mist. The mist stops mortals from seeing things. The only way you would be able to see something is if you are from another Pantheon like Thor, a demigod like Clint, a legacy like Nick over there, or a clear-sighted mortal," Apollo answered.

"As Artemis was saying, we suffered many losses. But we have someone that is struggling more than others. He's led this war and another while also completing quests. He's suffering and he needs help. We can't help him but you can," Athena finished.

"How would we be able to help this person?" Bruce asked skeptically.

"You all understand struggles and wars. You would be able to help my son move on. We want him to tell you what happened but we will say that he's lost almost all of his friends, his mother, stepfather, and sister," Poseidon told them.

"So will you help our hero?" Hestia asked.

"Of course they will," Nick said glaring at Tony who was about to protest.

"Excellent. We will bring him now. Aphrodite make the boy a bag," Zeus said, clapping his hands.

"You know that he will be upset right?" Artemis asked.

"Yes, but this is for the best," Demeter answered.

Percy's POV

I was sitting in my cabin thinking. Thinking about the wars. Thinking about the lives lost. Thinking about how I could have saved them if I was quicker. Why couldn't it have been me? Why can't it ever be me?

I was about to go for a walk when I felt a tingling feeling. Great! Olympians here I come.

I closed my eyes waiting for everything to be over. When I opened my eyes, twenty-one people were looking at me. 

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