~ Chapter Four ~

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Third Person POV

The Avengers were worried. Percy was starting to come around them more but he wasn't mentally there. They wanted him to be comfortable enough to show them his true self.

Tony was in his lab thinking about how to get Percy to at least laugh. Then, he got it. Prank Wars. So that's how the next week was spent. Clint and Percy pranking Tony and Tony pranking them back. It wasn't until the last day that the Avengers finally got to see Percy truly laugh.

The day was filled with pranks like the other days before. Tony was waiting for his last prank to go off. When Percy was supposed to be walking by, Natasha did. She received a face full of flour.

The other Avengers gave Tony looks of sympathy.

"Stark, I'm going to kill you," Natasha seethed.

Tony had a look of terror on his face that made Percy laugh. Everyone in the room looked startled. But, then they smiled. It was the first time Percy had shown any emotion other than sadness, anger, or nothing.

"Hah! I did it," Tony yelled as Clint rolled his eyes.

"Out of all the things for you to laugh at, you chose this?" Natasha asked Percy while pointing to her face.

"I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing at the look on Tony's face. He looked ready to die," Percy chuckled.

"Well, now I have to clean this," Nat sighed.

Percy shook his head. He grabbed a bottle of water and threw it at Natasha. She was soaking wet, from head to toe. Everyone laughed at the surprised look on her face. She looked at Percy with a murderous look on her face.

Percy used his powers to collect all the flour and dispose of it. The Avengers looked at him surprised.

"How did you do that?" Tony asked wide-eyed.

"I used my powers," Percy shrugged.

"What else can you do?" Steve asked.

"Basically, I can control water, create earthquakes, create hurricanes, and talk to horses and marine animals," Percy said.

"We should go to the aquarium," Clint suggested.

Percy shook his head quickly.

"What is this aquarium you speak of?" Thor asked.

"It's a place full of fish and other underwater animals," Bruce explained.

"Please no. Anything but an aquarium," Percy begged.

"Why don't you want to go?" Natasha asked.

"Imagine going somewhere with a bunch of people that know you and try to overtalk each other with every turn you take. All I'll hear is Lord Percy this and Lord Percy that. Don't get me wrong, I love marine animals but too many at once is a no," Percy answered quickly.

Tony and Clint smirked, "LET'S GO THE AQUARIUM!"

~ A crazy trip to the aquarium later ~

Percy walked into the penthouse tired while Tony and Clint were laughing.

"Did you see his face when the fish rushed towards him?" Tony asked, laughing.

"No, it was his face when the seal kept throwing balls at him," Clint wheezed.

Bruce, Steve, Thor, and Nat were trying their hardest not to laugh. The trip to the aquarium was fun for everyone except Percy. But then again the others had fun at his expense. Like Percy predicted, the animals wouldn't stop following him throughout their visit.

"It wasn't that bad Percy," Bruce said.

"You're right. It was horrible," Percy countered.

"You have to admit that you enjoyed the dolphins," Nat said with a smile.

"Fine. The dolphins were fun," he admitted.

When Tony and Clint finally stopped laughing at the photos and videos they took, they all decided to eat and watch movies for a while. 

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