~ Chapter Seven ~

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~ Another time skip ~

It's been almost two months since I've been with the Avengers. The team and I have become a dysfunctional family. I'm even eating more and I've gotten used to getting help after my nightmares and tortures. I don't have as many nightmares or flashbacks as I used to.

Tony is like my brother that always gets me into trouble. Clint is my cool older cousin that gets me in trouble too. Like once Clint and I had a prank war against Tony. It lasted seven hours shy of a week but we all got into trouble so we won't be doing that for a while.

Bruce is my uncle that will mother you to death if you even look like you're about to be sick. He takes health very seriously. He and Will would get along great. They always say something when I end up getting hurt.

Thor is my brother who doesn't understand modern things. It's funny when he's trying to use the microwave or toaster because he always breaks them. He's gone a lot but when he's here we binge-watch TV shows and gorge on Pop-Tarts.

Natasha and Steve. Oof. Well, they're my mortal mom and dad. They make sure I eat when I try to skip meals. They scold me when I overwork myself in the gym and trust me that happens a lot. They're also the main people that help me with my emotions, flashbacks, and nightmares. They and Bruce help patch me up when Tartarus decides to have his fun.

Nick is well, Nick. But he lets me call him Nick or Pirate Man so that has to count for something.

But, overall I like it here. I feel better than I did before I came. I guess overall the Avengers did help.

The monsters attacked every once in a while but not much. They took those attacks better than I thought they would. Well except the time Tony dried to kill the Hydra and kept making more heads. Every time more heads sprouted he freaked.

Yesterday, my dad sent a letter saying that we were having a meeting at the Big House. I need to be there and per Zeus' orders, the Avengers are coming.

That brings us to now. The Avengers and I are walking up Half-Blood Hill. Before we could make it to the barrier a horn blew signaling our arrival. All of the demigods and Chiron rushed towards us looking confused.

"Who are you?" Chiron asked.

I moved to the front and waved, "Hey guys."

Thalia ran up to me then slapped me and hugged me. Clarisse punched me and Will hugged me. Chiron looked behind me at the Avengers questioningly.

"Are you okay? How have you been? Who are the mortals? Why are they here? Not that I'm not happy, but why are you here?" Chiron rambled.

"Calm down Chiron. I'm fine. These are the Avengers, the group that the gods sent me to. This is Tony, Bruce, Natasha, Thor, Clint, and Steve. Tony is weird and calls himself Iron Man. Bruce is a doctor and the Hulk. Natasha is a spy. Thor is the Norse God of Thunder. Clint is Hawkeye and a son of Apollo. Steve is Captain America and a soldier from World War ll. We're here for a meeting my father and Zeus called," I informed the worried Centaur.

I was about to ask Chiron if the gods told him of any problems before I realized there were hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at me.

"As much as I would love to catch up with you guys right now we'll have to wait a bit. For now, cabin leaders, meet me in the Big House in twenty.

When I finished everyone groaned and eventually disbursed except for Nico and Thalia.

"Well, Avengers, these are the cousins I told you about, Thalia and Nico. Thalia is a daughter of Zeus and lieutenant of Artemis. And as you know, Nico is a son of Hades," I introduced.

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