~ Chapter Two ~

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"Where am I and why am I here?" I asked, looking at Zeus.

"Everyone except Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, and Apollo leave," Zeus said.

They left and everyone else was still staring at me. The strangers looked on edge while my family looked scared and determined.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"Percy. Listen. You are going to stay here with your cousin and his family for a while. You need to get away from camp for a while," dad said.

"No. Send me back. For once do something that I want," I said.

"This something that you want is endangering your life. You and I both know what I'm talking about," Apollo scolded me.

"Nephew. It would be better for you to get help before you suffer more," Zeus told me.

"I'm not suffering. I'm fine. People die. Sure they die worse and earlier in our life but so what. I'm fine," I told them.

"You're fine right? When did you last eat? When was the last time you slept? Perce, when was the last time you left your cabin?" Apollo ranted.

I looked down. He had me there. To be honest, I can't remember. I know someone has been bringing me food but I couldn't bring myself to eat it. I couldn't look at the campers knowing that I was the reason that their friends and family were dead. And sleep? That would be a luxury. Tartarus and his lackeys won't leave me alone. So sleep is a no.

"Before you even try to get out of this, the answer will be the same. It's either you stay here or you can stay with Triton and Amphitrite until you're better," my dad said sternally.

"Hey. Um, I'm Clint and if I may, we're not that bad. And I've been wanting to meet my cool cousin for a while," Clint said.

"Cool cousin. More like a murderer," I muttered.

The other people in the room looked at me strangely.

"You're staying here until either we see you're better or they tell us you're better. That's it, no more arguments. And if we catch you at camp without someone telling you to come, you'll deal with Athena. Got it?" Zeus asked.

"Yes. Uncle," I said.


My dad hugged me before they all flashed away. I looked at the people in front of me and sighed.

"Can you tell me the names of the people I'll be living with?" I asked.

"You don't know us?" the goatee guy asked.

I shook my head. The Goatee guy went on and on about how it's impossible to not know them.

"Well. If it makes you feel better I know Thor and Captain over there," I said.

"How do you already know them?" the redhead asked.

"Thor and I met a while back through a mutual friend. Although I haven't talked to anyone for a while," I answered.

"Well, Tony Stark. Genius. Billionaire. Iron Man."

"Why Iron Man?" I asked.

"His suit is made out of titanium alloy so that's a good question," the smart-looking guy muttered.

"It just is," Tony shouted.

"Nick Fury."

"So, Pirate Man got it," I said.

"Steve Rogers."

"Nice to meet you," I said, shaking his hand.

"Why does he get his hand shaken?" Tony sighed.

"Bruce Banner."

"I like your work gamma radiation," I complimented

"Natalia Romanova."

I nodded.

They all told the truth except for the redhead.

"I get that you don't know me or whatever but lying about your name is a little weird," I said looking at 'Natalia'.

The others in the room looked shocked while I just looked confused.

"How? How did you know that's not her name?" Clint asked.

"Just do. But can someone show me my room?" I asked.

"Yeah. Jarvis will tell you," Tony said.

"Who is Jarvis?" I asked.

"Tony's A.I. Just follow the lights and it'll take you to your room," Bruce answered.

I nodded and headed to the hallway.

"Oh. I guess thank you for letting me stay here. And Natasha you might want to try a new name," I said walking away with a smirk.

Clint's POV

"Well. That kid is weird," Tony said after we were sure Percy was gone.

"With what I've heard from my dad, yes he is. But he's also misunderstood. He's been living a life of wars, missions, and danger since he was twelve. And from the sound of it, something more has happened other than the last war. Something worse than anything we've ever seen," I said.

"Well. You're right about that," I jumped and turned around to see Percy with a smirk.

"What do you mean by that?" Natasha asked.

"What did my family tell you before they left?" he asked.

"They told us that there was a war and that you lost your family and friends. They said you were struggling and needed our help," Steve answered.

Percy scoffed before saying, "Wow. They gave you a really dry version," and then walked away.

"You're not going to tell us anything?" Bruce asked.

"Nah. I'm good."

Well. That went well. I can already tell that this is going to be a long ride. 

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