~ Chapter Ten ~

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Percy's POV

I walked to camp slowly, thinking about the battle. I walked into the infirmary to see all of the injured campers and some Apollo campers telling Nike and Tyche the news. I walked over to them and smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry for your loss. If you or your other children need anything, tell me and I'll do what I can," I said.

They nodded, crying silently and I walked away. I went over to the injured campers to see their injuries and ask how they were feeling. The worst was a stab wound that was dangerously close to a major artery but the Apollo campers handled it perfectly. All of the injured campers were fine or close to being fine with a little ambrosia and nectar with bed rest.

I walked out of the infirmary and to the beach. I gazed at the water and smiled softly. There was a breeze with the smell of the sea. I sighed but didn't turn around.



"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to apologize. I know how you feel about protecting the people you love. I just wanted to protect you. You're my son. It's something that I'll always do. It might be selfish of me but I'll have to be selfish."

I sighed and turned to face my father.

"No. I'm sorry. Sure, I wanted to protect everyone but I didn't stop and think about your feelings. While I was in the infirmary, I saw how distraught Nike and Tyche looked from their loss and how they were trying to keep it together. I also saw how the other gods were with their injured children. I was going to give myself up and die. I didn't think about your feelings as much as I should have. So, I'm sorry."

He smiled then came over to hug me.

"I will always do what I can to keep you safe," he said.

"I know dad. I'll do what I can so you won't have to lock me in your palace," I said.

He laughed and hugged me tighter.

"I love you son."

"I love you too dad."

~ The next day ~

After talking to dad, I apologized to everyone for not considering their feelings in my decision and they all forgave me.

"Hey, Percy, we want to talk to you," Tony said walking up to me.

I followed Tony to the woods where the Avengers were waiting.

"What's up? And why are we back here? You do know that if you kill me you'll have over 300 hundred kids looking to kill you right?" I asked.

Steve shook his head before smiling, "No. We wanted to know how you feel about something."

I nodded and waited for someone to speak but no one did. They all were just looking at each other waiting for someone to speak.

"Okay. I'll ask," Bruce sighed. "Perce. Do you want to come back with us after all of this is over? We'll bring you to camp when you want to come or if they need you here. But we like having you around the tower. So will you stay?"

"Yeah. It'll be like shared custody," Tony said.

"Yeah. I'll come back," I said, laughing.

They all sighed and smiled.

"I can't believe we were nervous to ask you," Clint said smiling.

"I don't get why. I like hanging out with you guys. You're just the mortal part of my family," I told them.

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