~ Chapter Three ~

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Clint's POV

~ 1 week later ~

I was right. It's been a week since everything that's happened. Percy hasn't left his room once. We only know he's alive because Jarvis said he's breathing. But somehow he's gotten Jarvis to be able to not tell us anything. Not even Tony which has him majorly ticked off.

We were all having breakfast when the light was brighter all of the sudden. We looked away and when the light died down dad stood there.

"Dad, what are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm here to check on Perce. He's not given you a hard time, is he? He's a nice person but everything is finally catching up to him," he said.

"He's not giving us any time," Tony snorted.

"What do you mean?" Dad frowned.

"He means we haven't seen him since the day you all dropped him off," Natasha answered.

"Dang it. I was hoping this wouldn't happen. Let me guess, you knocked and he didn't answer. You put food in front of the door and he didn't eat it," dad said knowingly.

We all nodded confused.

"Can you show me to the room?" he asked.

We nodded and led him down the hallways.

Apollo's POV

I can't believe this idiot. Well, actually I can. I knocked on the door and got no answer.

"Percy open the freaking door," I screamed.

Nothing. And nothing for the next 15 minutes. I was about to knock again when Hades shadow traveled in looking paler than normal.

"Where is he?" he asked frantically.

"Locked in the room. He won't open the door," Steve answered.

"Knockdown the door or something. His life force is fading and fast," Hades said quickly.

Natasha pushed everyone aside and quickly picked the lock. When the door opened my heart stopped. Percy layed in bed in a pool of his own blood barely breathing.

"How the hell did this happen?" Tony asked.

"I'm afraid only Percy can tell us that. What did you do about Nico?" I asked Hades.

"I made their connection look like it has been, the past week when I first felt it," he answered.

"What can I do to help," Bruce asked.

"Do you have a pool? We won't have time to fix all of these wounds," I asked.

"Yes, come on," he said, hesitant and confused.

After the longest seven minutes of my immortal life, we made it to the pool. I rushed to the deep end and threw Percy in.

"What are you doing?" they all screamed.

"You can't just yeet teens into pools," Tony said.

"Percy is a son of Poseidon. Water is his element. The water should heal him completely," I said calmly.

"That is awesome," Tony screamed.

"How long will it take?" Steve asked.

"He should be done in about 10-20 minutes," Hades answered.

~ Time skip because waiting that long is going to be a bit awkward ~

Percy's POV

I woke up surrounded by water. Great. I swam up to the surface to see the Avengers minus Thor plus Apollo and Hades. I used my powers and propelled myself out of the water. Before anyone could ask questions or notice me, I headed out of the room and almost succeeded. Almost. I was grabbed by my shirt and turned around by none other than Natasha. She has to be a spy or something.

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