chapter 11: class lesson on the uzumaki

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after a day of hinata not all to getting used to actually being with her crush naruto decided to say screw it he placed his hands on her arms and as always she became as stiff as a board he then picked her up over his head a carried her to tatsuya's new office in the hyuga compound wherein he took over as branch head of the hyuga clan since hizashi was dead

he didn't even bother to knock he just walked in and set a still boarded hinata down

"fix it" was all i said after i left the room

hinata strangely disappeared from the academy in that time when she returned she was brimming with confidence which was what naruto wanted she walked up to her crush and her fiance leaned in and kissed him of which he of course kissed back

"better" she asked smiling sweetly

"much" i answered smiling just as sweetly as she sat on my lap and we kissed again

as iruka walked in he was stunned into silence

"naruto is there a reason why lady hyuga is sitting on your lap while you suck each others faces" iruka asked

"does an engaged couple need a reason" i asked i turn

"eh..........EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHH, ENGAGED" the class including iruka announced all at once

"may i" i asked hinata she smiled and got up from her fiance's lap allowing naruto to rise to his feet

"my name is naruto uzukaze son of kushina uzumaki and minato namikaze and heir to both respective clans and this is my wife to be hinata soon to be hyuzukaze" i said

"hyuzukaze" iruka asked

"the uzukaze and hyuga clans are merging under a single banner" i responded

"eh.................EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" class responded this time the eh was even longer

"that is current the clans shall officially begin to merge after our wedding which is only a couple months away" she responded

"of course do to my bloodlines hinata will not be my only wife she is simply my first" i said

"WHAT BLOODLINES" the class roared naruto looked at hinata who stepped away

i pulled out my grimoire and entered magus mode

"well this is one of them it's called magus mode only my children will have a chance to get this

"break, rensa taiyo" i said as the pure white blade appeared in my hand

"this will also be inherited by my children my rensa taiyo and at least two of it's three stages" i said

"why two" sakura asked

"because the third was created do to the kyubi" i answered to the shock of the class including iruka

"you know" he asked

"yep and so does everyone else now i don't want or need fake friends moving on" i said i stabbed rensa taiyo into the ground then activated my master excalibur

"this is my master excalibur it holds it own power which is equivalent to the tailed beasts but also has access to my near endless treasury" i said

"WHAT" the class yet again said in shock

"what do you mean near endless" iruka asked

"my ancestor was known as gilgamesh the king of heroes and he started this endless treasury however later on another ancestor of mine enchanted the treasury so as it could make identical copies of things that were held within my treasury what this means is i can use my treasures to expand my treasures and my treasures aren't just money anything one would consider a treasure is within my vault and as of right now only i have access to it like with my rensa taiyo and it's powers this is an ability that will most definitely be passed down my grimoire shall be passed down unfortunately to only one of my children and i shall be giving it to the child i feel needs it most" i explained

"but this is only what i have to offer now let me show you what my clan has to offer besides it's treasure trove of techniques and the reason why the hyuga clan were so willing to accept the merging" i said as i led the group outside

"misaki" i called with my mind and she instantly took off and came towards me as she landed the class was in awe

"this is a dragon more specifically this is my dragon her name is misaki and she is my bonded" i said

"bonded" iruka said i nodded

"dragons can only be paired to respective riders by the will of the clan head in this case me however the clan heads personal dragon hatches upon the clan heads birth unlike other clans my clans head is decided by the dragons" i said

"but you haven't explained what you meant by bonded" iruka said i thought for a moment

"you are right" i showed them my palm with the gedway ignasia

"we are linked together the moment a dragon hatches for a rider however the link is only truly functional when a rider touches their dragon when that happens this symbol is literally branded on to you and we share a telepathic link together this link allows the rider to speak telepathically to any living being out there with varying success depending on what we are speaking to" i explained

"and the hyuga's are getting access to these beasts" mizuki asked intrigued in an instant antenora was at mizuki's throat as the man paled

"if you ever disrespect misaki ever again i will chop your head off are we clear" i asked he nodded his quickly and i sheathed antenora

"let's get one thing straight the dragons are our partners they are just as sentient as you or i" i said

"so it's like us and our ninken" kiba spoke out

"mostly however the dragons have one last trick that simply make them better, misaki if you would" i asked in that instant most of the room was blinded by a flash of light before their stood misaki in her human form her katana as usual at her hip

"that being that dragons can take human form" i said as the room gasped in surprise and the boys were in extra surprise by the girls beauty

"i have a question" ino spoke out

"sure go ahead" i asked

"has it happened where a dragon and their together" ino asked the more she spoke the quieter and more embarrassed she got

"as in romantically" i asked she nodded

"yes it has happened quite often in fact where my clan and their dragons got together hell i am certain most of the dragons i have now are half breeds" i said

"i am one of those have breeds" misaki spoke out

"but unlike say the inuzuka ninken it isn't really a detriment if anything the dragons can get stronger this way" i said

"how" sakura asked

"we can be born with our parents bloodline should one of them have one and utilize it in our dragon forms i am an example of that i have the uzumaki adamantine chains which i can use however i wish" misaki explained for her rider

"and you ride them" kiba asked i nodded i looked towards misaki who immediately transformed i walked up and easily mounted her

"this answer your question kiba" i asked he nodded dumbly while the rest were in awe

"i will be the first of my clan to obtain a dragon of my own as naruto's wife" hinata said

everyone was now jealous of hinata they couldn't be jealous of naruto this was his clans legacy there was one however that was staring at naruto that was "sasuke" uchiha

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