chapter 12: graduation

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they days went by and the previous excite of what was learned of the revived uzumaki clan died down today was the day of graduation the tests were already passed out naruto and hinata had already finished them too

"alright class pens down" iruka called as he went around and collected the tests

next we will take the throwing tests when i call your name step forward

like with the written exam naruto and hinata both got perfect ten out of ten on the shuriken and kunai throwing though naruto's kunai and shuriken were sabotaged and dull he still got the perfect ten out of ten and mizuki was slowly getting angrier and angrier the better he did

he did the substitution substituting for iruka perfect score number one

he henged into his uncle tatsuya perfect score number two

and then came the clones of which he smirked

"tajū kage bunshin no Jutsu" i said and just like that the room was filled with my clones

"well you very clearly passed with a perfect score naruto could you please dispel these clones so we can move" iruka asked and immediately the clones dispelled themselves

the duels came i was pitted against sasuke and i won pretty badly beating him

after that all of the graduates were placed in a separate room and iruka came in he started calling the names of the teams

" 7, sakura haruno, sasuke uchiha, and naruto uzukaze" iruka called abruptly sasuke stood up and we watched as he dispelled a henge around himself to reveal he was much more feminine

"my name isn't sasuke it is satsuki uchiha and i am a girl" satsuki said and the class and by class i mean sasuke's fangirls were all crying that their crush was a girl the guys except for naruto were all celebrating then they actually began to notice satsuki herself and began to drool

"and i shall become one of naruto uzukaze wives" satsuki said

"wait what now hold on a second you can't simply demand someone to marry you" i said jumping to my seat

"you did" hinata chipped in

"i did not i made it very clear you didn't have to" i said

"you made it way to good for my clan to refuse however of which my clan would then pressure me making it impossible to say no" hinata answered

"i...i....and your okay with this with someone we know nothing about simply up and marrying me" i asked

"why not i mean if she marries you the hyuga will gain everything the uchiha's had" hinata said i was at this point flustered

"we'll talk about this later" i said as i sat back down kinda hurt i didn't mean to force it upon her that wasn't my intention i thought she'd want to marry me considering she was always stocking me

"anyway team seven your sensei will be kakashi hatake" iruka said while thinking 'well i feel sorry for you better get comfortable'

"team 8 will be shino aburame, hinata hyuga, and kiba inuzuka your sensei is kurenai yuhi team 9 is still in circulation, team ten choji akimichi, shikamaru nara, and ino yamanaka, " iruka said

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