chapter 15: team 7 reintroductions

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after our discussion i felt alot better about myself especially with hinata snuggling up to me it made me much more secure safe to say she wasn't the only excited for the wedding or what would come directly afterwards

the next day i met with my team and kakashi was actually there on time

"so since we weren't able to introduce ourselves yesterday shall we continue with that before going onto the test i explained you start pinky" kakashi asked

"my name is sakura haruno my likes are well family my dislikes i don't really have any since the revelations, my hobbies used to be trying to get satsuki who was to me sasuke to go on a date with me now it's trying to get the forgiveness of someone i wrongfully have been ignoring and beating my dream is to earn his forgiveness and maybe he would consider me to be one of his" sakura said sending glances at naruto

"we'll talk later sakura" i said and she gave me a hopeful look when i nodded to her i could tell she was brimming with joy i stuck my hand up to stop her

"i have very sensitive hearing so please don't scream" i said she nodded

"well that went differently then what i expected, emo" kakashi said

"my name is satsuki uchiha, my likes include tomatoes, training, and naruto uzukaze, my dislikes include everything else especially the council my hobbies include training, i have no dream my goals for they will be achieved are killing a certain man and having children with naruto uzukaze" satsuki said

"pick one" i said

"what" she asked

"i refuse to be with a girl who will simply toss me aside no offense but that is the only reason i am allowing myself to have multiple girls if i had my way i'd only be with two neither of which are either of you however i am putting my foot down so pick one uchiha me or your fucking revenge" i said she stared at me for a while but said nothing

"alright well then blondie your turn" kakashi said

"you know who i am but whatever i'll play along my name naruto uzukaze soon to be hyuzukaze my likes include my girls, training and my tenants, my dislikes the majority of this village among other things, my hobbies training and making my girls happy my dream, to have a family and restart my clan" i said 'tenants as in multiple' 

"yes kakashi let me answer your unasked question the kyubi isn't the only thing inside two of my tenants are part of my bloodline that my children shall have and the forth one chose to be with me at my birth" i told him

"i see" kakashi said he then composed himself

"alright the test is to get these bells by noon" kakashi said

"wait there are only two bells" sakura said

"that's right one of you will be heading back to the academy anyway begin" kakashi said

"here ya go" i said throwing them the bells

"wait what" kakashi said in shock he looked down to see the bells were indeed gone

"how did know what i have a feeling you won't tell me so i won't even ask, you three pass" kakashi said

"can we go then i want to talk with sakura and satsuki without a perverted sensei around" 

"fine fine" kakashi said as he shunshined

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