chapter 8: hyuga meeting

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as the days went by i noticed hinata stocking me much more closely and i sighed stopping my tracks

"you can come out hinata" i said she jumped as she stepped from where she was hiding behind a building

"let's go" i said

"w-where are w-we going n-n-naruto-kun" she asked i said nothing as i led the way to the hyuga compound

"w-what are you doing" she asked

"you'll see" i said as a guard looked at me he looked rather disgusted 'great another one of these' i thought although it was a good thing the guard wasn't a hyuga as the compound entrance guards were taken care of by the hokage

"may i see lord hiashi" i asked politely he spit at me but said nothing i sighed as i released my killing intent

"may i see lord hiashi please" i said emphasizing the word please he gulped

"h-hai" he responded as he led the way to an actual hyuga that being neji

"oh great just the person i wanted to see" i muttered to myself in annoyance

"lord neji these two have requested to see lord hiashi" the ninja said

"i see, your dismissed" neji said he nodded and returned to his post

"what do you want with lord hiashi" neji asked with narrowed eyes

"that is between me him and hinata when he learns of it he is welcome to tell your clan however for now i wish to keep it to myself" i said

"what could you want with lady hinata" he asked but i could here the condescending tone when he said hinata's name i yet again flared my killing intent he paled at my power

"look i am trying to be polite but if you say one more thing in that condescending tone i will kill you" i said he nodded

"follow me" he said as he led the way through the compound to an office and knocked

"who is it" a man asked

"sir lady hinata and a guest would like an audience" neji said

"and who is the guest" the man asked

"naruto uzumaki" neji answered there was a pause

"send them in" he said and neji opened the door and moved out of the way allowing the two to enter the office before he closed it and left

"what can i do for you young uzumaki" he asked

"it's uzukaze actually or uzumaki-namikaze but i prefer the sound of uzukaze" i said he nodded it made sense

"so you know of your father" he asked i nodded he put down his pen and he placed his elbows on his desk and clasped his hands in a very professional form

"alright you have my undivided attention" he said

"good i would like to discuss merging our clans" i said and like that the man was in shock

"what would this entail" he asked

"exactly what it means both sides will have access to everything the other has to offer you will have my dragons and my techniques and i will have access to your techniques in turn as well as a complete restart for me" i said

"this would require a marriage..........oh i see and that's why she's here" hiashi said connecting the dots i nodded while hinata blushed

"i have noticed hinata is following me around all the time and she is always coming to defense that and the fact she stutters so much it's clear she likes me and as clan heir she is perfect" i said

"but she wouldn't be the only wife you'll take uzukaze since your clan is so powerful everyone would want a piece especially with the dragons so not only are you a political bargaining chip but the konoha council will want as many of your children as possible considering how powerful you most likely are" he said i smirked

"i already have that covered but i will only explain once a marriage contract is signed and i want hinata's signature on it as well to prove she is actually willing and wants to be one of my wives" i said causing hinata to blush further

"do you have anyone else in mind" she asked i nodded

"one other girl i met when i was traveling while my clone went to the academy i was with her for two and a half years before we departed less then a year ago but i am certain we will see each other soon" i answered he nodded

"very well i shall take your request into consideration should i agree i shall have a marriage contract written up that benefits both sides" he said and i nodded

"thank you sir" i said i got up

"is that all sir" i asked

"you are quite humble you asked for the meeting and your asking me if that is all hah yes that is all you and hinata may go" hiashi said i had to pull a bright red faced hinata to her feet and guide her to the door i escorted her to the courtyard where i sat her down and waited for her to process what has just occured and the moment she did she jumped me capturing me in a bone crushing hug i was glad she was happy

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