The morning after

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Kyles POV
I wake groggily, head by the laundry basket, which momentarily confuses me.
"Ugh" I groan, remembering. I fucked it up. I had a good friend who I trusted and maybe could have been honest with and I fucked it up. She's gone and I'm a loser who's still wearing yesterday's jeans. I chastise myself as I go to the bathroom to splash my face with cold water. I re-enter the bedroom and spot a note on the bedside table

Sorry, 9am lecture, nothing personal. Next time let me know how you like your eggs;) text me later?

My shoulders slump with some relief. At least she doesn't regret it and/or hate me. We only made out, it's not a big deal. It wasn't like when I kissed Nichole, quick stolen smooches. It was special. Maybe I could lose my virginity to y/n. I trust her, she's nice and-
Well it's not what I really want but what I really want is drunk on the other side of town. I sigh. Truth is, I ruined mine and Stans friendship, all on my own. I couldn't stand watching him with Wendy all the time, unknowingly twisting the knife. I had to distance myself for my own mental well-being but I pushed too far, turned down his invites one too many times and lost him to someone more fun. Which isn't hard.

I need some hope to cling onto, a last ditch attempt. I need closure so I can move on, to know 100% that nothing is going to happen with us so I can stop aching for him and move on, maybe with Y/N. I do like her, I just can't tell if it's platonic or more. How do I tell the difference? I like spending time with her and she makes me laugh. Maybe that's enough. Maybe it will come with time...
I decide to call Stan, tell him about kissing Y/N and listen to hear if there's any hint of anything in his voice. Hurt, jealousy, I'd take interest at this point. I just want him to miss me like I do him, even just as friends. I dial his number and wait with baited breath.
"This better be good, it's too early for courtesy calls" he groans, hungover and possibly still a bit drunk. I can hear Clyde similarly groaning in the background.
Suddenly I feel silly, realising he really doesn't care anymore. Why would he in the first place?
"Oh sorry, I meant to call Jimmy about some homework. My bad." I can hear my voice starting to break so I hang up without waiting for a response. I wipe the single tear off my cheek with my sleeve and pull myself together. Gym time I guess. I jog to the gym, deep in thought, trying to figure out if I'm running to something or from something. The answer is usually both.

The middle school is on the way to campus, so I decide to trail Ike from a distance to check he gets to school okay. I stray far behind so I don't embarrass him. He seems like a sweet kid. I watch as a mustang pulls into the car park and notice Kenny is driving. The less I know the better by Tame Impala is blaring faintly from the stereo. I make a mental note to add it to my playlist later. A girl, a couple years older than Ike hops out and turns to say something to Kenny. In return he gives her his cheeky toothy grin and two thumbs up. Adorable. He must sense me staring because he looks up from his steering wheel, notices me and scowls. I put my head down and walk faster, embarrassed. He rarely hangs out with anyone except his family despite getting invited to everything. Stan, Token and Clyde try to latch onto the magnetism Kenny seems to take wherever he goes, but to no avail. He brushes them off to go smoke in his car.
I secretly hope he comes into class today so I can stare at the back of his head and daydream. I have a stern word with myself for having these thoughts. An out of reach silly crush is fine right? It doesn't hurt anyone. But I feel guilt on behalf of Kyle.
Orange has quickly become one of my favourite colours.
He doesn't come into class. Instead I'm left to ponder the reality. I kissed Kyle. It was nice. He's a safe bet, he'll treat me well and would make a great starter boyfriend. I make a mental pros and cons list. It feels methodical and not passionate, but all first times are awkward right? That stuff doesn't come naturally. Not in the real world. I am attracted to him. His abs drive me wild, thinking about the dedication and hard work he put in to get them makes me want to see what else he's capable of. And when Cartman says something stupid he frowns in this cute concerned way that makes my stomach flip. I bite my lip and doodle a little K in the margin of my page. I think we'll be okay.

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