The quest for romance

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I'm playing Xbox with Kyle, Jimmy and Butters.
"Oh my god who is that being so squeaky, who let the 10 year old online?" someone from the game complains.
"Hey feller, listen here, I'm 18 and a quarter" argues Butters.
"You're not helping your case" I laugh.
Butters is a real sweetheart, he took me to prom when I had no one to go with. He's like a little brother to everyone despite there being less than a years age difference. He manages to always be the butt of the joke but never seems to mind and takes it like a trooper. I make a mental note to try and set him up with one of my friends. He's a real gent and with his pale blonde fluffy hair and baby blue eyes, it shouldn't be hard. He's cute, in a cherub/baby duckling sorta way.

XxCartmanBrahxX has entered the chat

"Guys, guys!" Cartman yells, causing me to wince and take a headset slightly away from my ear.
"What, fatso?" Asks Kyle, probably similarly disorientated by the lack of inside voice.
"It's Heidis birthday tomorrow"
"So, she's having a party and this is my chance to get her back" he says, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"Aww" I let slip. I'm a sucker for a romantic gesture.
"You guys have been on and off since you were like 10, if she's finally seen the light and ditched you, who are we to change her mind?" Kyle mutters, trying to keep a cool head.
"Shut up you dildo, you don't know anything about love. For our 1 year anniversary I took her to a fancy restaurant and I want us to-"
"Where'd you take her, KFC?" Kyle jibes, interrupting.
"No dickwad, think classy. Casa Bonita. Anyway, as I was saying. Ahem. Tomorrow night, we're all going to Heidis party and you have to be my wing man because Stans phone has died and I can't get hold of him."
"Or he's j-just ignoring you" suggests Jimmy.
"Shut up Jimmy. I should have known you losers wouldn't be up for it. Y/N, you're in, right? C'mon, it's a quest for true love. And sex."
"But mostly love" he backtracks, eager to get me onside.
"Fine" I say reluctantly. I want to run it by Kyle first but I can't text fast enough. I can always cancel anyway.
"Great, great. Wear something skimpy yeah?"
"I wish you could hear my eye roll down the mic" I sigh.
"Will Stan be at the party?" Asks Kyle lightly
"He never passes up the ch-chance of a f-free beer" points out Jimmy.
"Yeah he's kinda being an asshole too lately. First Kenny, now this. God. There's only so many replacements you can make to an original lineup before it's just lame" Eric huffs.
I wonder if Kyle is getting upset again and quickly interject. "Okay so party tomorrow night then? It's gonna be fun, we've never all been out together. Kyle, you're not allowed to just stand in the kitchen and sort the recycling or whatever, you need to have a good time!"
"But I don't drink"
"So? Neither does Butters and he's always smiling" I point out.
"I'm real neat-o at beer pong" he declares proudly.
"Ugh weak. You losers can play in the garden or whatever, you probably won't even see me since I'm gonna be in Heidis bedroom so fast" Cartman sniggers.
"I guess romance isn't dead" drawls Kyle sarcastically.
"No, just very heavily sedated" I add.
I leave the chat, another eye roll not too far behind.

We don't have to go if you don't want to

I type out to Kyle. I add babe to the end then take it off again. I have no idea what we are. Am I even allowed to look at him at the party? I bite the bullet and hit send

No it's okay. It might be a laugh. I'll pick you up around 7?


Sounds good😘

I risk a kissy face then bury my head in my pillow. I'm so cringe. I search for an outfit. I want Kyle to look at me and want to show me off, want to go public and not be able to keep his hands off me.
I choose a silk black dress, low cut and short. I'm choosing between thigh high boots and strappy heels when my phone buzzes.

Heidi added Y/N to the group chat

The chat is named "birthday chat girls only🥳🍾👯‍♀️"

I scroll up some to catch up on previous messages I've missed. Polls on hair, something about a vegan caterer, what boys will be going, blah blah. There's a link to the party playlist and an invite to join which I peruse through. It's heavy on the Taylor Swift.
I make the executive decision to re-allocate wingman duty to me on behalf of Kyle hating Eric's guts and try my luck.

Y/N: Hey guys. Heidi are you bringing anyone special to the party or do we have to form a single girls alliance?😂

Writing single feels like a tiny betrayal to Kyle but it's not like we're official or anything.

Heidi T: Lol alliance it is. Unless Kenny wants to turn up and sweep me off my feet😉

Bebe S: I'm also up for that offer👀

Wendy T: me 3 🙋‍♀️

Red: 😫🔥

Y/N: Maybe if there's enough weed we'll be able to summon him lmao

Bebe S: Well Stans bringing a shit load of Tegridy. And we have enough booze to kill a manbearpig. Twice😉

Oh shit. I was kidding but man this party is gonna be wild. Thigh highs it is then.

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