Kyle smut

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Authors notes: okay graphic s3x warning for this chapter. There is some lore strewn throughout and hints of what is to come but skip if you need to! I know we just had a super serious chapter too lol she's versatile ig

Y/N's POV:
I'm staring at a fleck of glitter from the party that has attached itself to my boot when Kyle pulls up outside my front door.
"I'm gonna go park up, go inside and warm up" he says softly. I go to the kitchen and start making coffee on autopilot to give my hands something to do. I'm so nervous. But ready. Tonight is the night. I set two mugs down and pour them. The door closes quietly and Kyle comes in. He stands behind and rests his head on my shoulder. "Hey. I've been thinking. I've only had a few beers and you've drunk... a lot. It wouldn't be right for anything to happen. Wanna play minecraft and drink coffee and sober up a bit before bed?" He asks sweetly. "I'll get some water so you don't feel too shitty in the morning." He adds.
I nod and we curl up at the foot of the bed and play, occasionally leaning over for little kisses. Picking up where we left off feels so good. I missed how light yet meaningful he is with every stroke of my cheek. I put down my controller.
"What's wrong?" He asks, concerned.
"Look, I know you're trying to be respectful and a gentleman and I'm so grateful but God it just makes me want you more."
He looks at me, puzzled, eyes asking for an explanation.
I reach for my purse and tip out the contents onto the bed in front of us, showing him the condoms.
"I promise you I wanted this when I was sober and clear headed and I want it just as much now" I say, voice wobbling a tiny bit, trying to take on the role of a strong sexy woman who knows what she wants, a little brave from the booze.
He nods in understanding and silently leans in to leave soft kisses on my neck. We find our way to the pillows and he continues kissing down my jaw line and collar bone. I slip my dress off and he takes in the lace lingerie underneath. I see him swallow hard. I run my hand down his abs before stroking him through his boxers, tracing the outline of his bulge. His hands shake as he becomes acquainted with my body, as if I'm some priceless art he's still not sure he's really allowed to touch.
"Are you sure about this? We don't have to-" he starts nervously before I cut his off with more kisses. We kiss deeply as I guide his hands to unhook my bra. He nuzzles into my collar bone, hands awkwardly exploring my anatomy. He kisses down my stomach then stops briefly, looking up at me from between my legs, silently asking for permission. I can tell he's eager to please. I feel the warmth of his soft tongue rolling over me, finding his confidence, building in pressure. I let out a soft moan which encourages him, sucking and licking until I'm arching my back in pleasure. He slides a finger in and then two, my every pant spurring him on. Then he comes back up to kiss me and I taste myself on his lips.
"My turn" I whisper. I can see he's hard through his boxers and I lick my lips. The moonlight shines through the window, illuminating his pale sculpted body and I see his true size. "Holy fuck" I whisper, stroking his ego just as much as what's in front of me. He removes his boxers self-consciously and I can't wait to soothe all his insecurities. I kiss and lick the tip, teasing gently before taking his length in my mouth. I find a rhythm, a mixture of deep throating and coming up to twirl my tongue around the head. "Uhh- uh"
He's making soft grunts, increasingly frantic until it's almost a whine.
"S-stop" he manages
I find my way back up to his lips, feeling him pressed against my stomach.
"What's wrong baby?" I purr, knowing exactly what he meant.
"I don't wanna finish before we've even started" he says sheepishly, kissing my neck again to hide his blush.

I straddle him, poised above, running my finger up and down his chest, almost smug at seeing his face. He's biting his lip in a mixture of anxiety and pure bliss. I slip the condom on, sliding my hand up and down the shaft and making him get that same worried look, as if he might cum any second. It makes me feel powerful.
I slowly lower myself onto him, feeling him enter and I gasp in a mixture of pain and pleasure. He's already got a concentrated look on his face, trying to hold out for me which spurs me on. I take the rest of his length and swallow hard, pushing through the pain. Seeing his head throw back in ecstasy gives me the strength to keep going, slowly moving in and out. He holds onto my waist, gently buckling his hips up into me, careful not to hurt me. He trails his fingers over my clit, earning a loud moan, mostly just over the fact he cares about getting me off, it's decidedly sexy. I lean down into him, kissing deeply as we delicately thrust against each other. He whispers sweet nothings into my ear and we become a tangled mess of nonsensical murmurs. He's being gentle, tenderly grazing my body, as if he's holding back. I grow increasingly desperate, craving intensity, to be closer, trying to coax him into fervour. I pick up the pace. "I'm so close" I fake moan, a frenzied hunger to drive him wild. He stays silent, concentrating. "You're so pretty" he whispers. Pretty isn't cutting it, I'm supposed to be a sexual goddess right now.
"Please don't stop" I beg, dragging my nails down his back. Lust drips off my every word as if I'm teetering on the edge, yearning to feel complete. He winces but keeps dutifully hitting the same spot, determined to satisfy me. This commitment to my pleasure is so hot, it pushes me over the edge. "Fuck. Fuck Kyle I'm gonna-" I moan breathlessly. He understands this is permission and after a few more deep, hard strokes he finishes inside the condom.

"Holy shit that was amazing" I lilt seductively in his ear, keen to let him know what a good job he did. "You're amazing" he says, pushing my hair behind my ear.
"Those scratches really hurt though" he adds, only half jokingly.
"Feel like you just lost a fight with The Coon?" I ask, teasingly.
"Y/N... I like you a lot but if you ever mention Cartman in the bedroom again I'll have no choice but to break up with you" he says, cracking us both up.
"Break up? Does that mean we're a thing then?" I ask playfully.
"If you'll have me" he smiles, shrugging.
I lie on his chest as he falls asleep and drift off in his arms, our two cold cups of coffee still sat on the side.

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