All mixed up

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Y/N's POV:
I leave the house early so I can grab a coffee before college. I get to Tweeks but it's closed. Damn. I have no plan B so just slowly start heading towards campus. There's a few cars there already, including Kennys'. I have no idea why he's here so early, it's not like education has ever been top of his priority list. I keep my head down, choosing to ignore him feels like the safest bet now.
"Hey!" I hear him shout but I just keep walking. He runs to catch up.
"You're blanking me now?" He asks, catching his breath.
"I just have to get to the library" I lie, continuing down the hallway.
"Didn't have you down as a bullshitter" he says, sounding disappointed.
"And I didn't have you down as an asshole but here we are" I retort.
He moves in front of me, blocking my path.
I stop and face him.
"What's your problem? You were all over me before and now you're giving me the cold shoulder?"
"Don't flatter yourself" I glower.
"I see. Those guys got inside your head. You can't form an opinion yourself?" He asks, same condescending tone, as if he expected more from me. I can't stand it.
"I trust Kyles judgement" I say firmly, starting towards the library once again
"And how's that working out for you?" He taunts down the hall, stomping off in the opposite direction.
I sit and flick through the textbook but nothing is going in; I can only sit and lick my wounds, still recovering from that low blow. I hate that he's right.

A half hour later I'm sat in class, surprised to see he stuck around. He's back to occupying the seat in front of me. My friends told me he's no good and my gut returns the sentiment. Yet I can't stay away, like a moth to a flame. Perhaps my self esteem is just so low that I know it'll end in hurt and I'm attracted to that, like some twisted form of self harm. I can't believe I was delusional enough to think Kyle liked me. Maybe deep down I knew something was off there too and let it happen anyway, repentance for a crime I never committed. I'm on some kind of path of self destruction and I'm too tired to try and fight it.
The only one who gets hurt if it goes wrong is me, I reason. And I've vowed not to have sex with him, so really what's the worst that can happen? I really could use a friend who isn't part of some weird love triangle. Things seem so straight forward with Kenny; no game playing, no leading on. His bluntness and indifference to drama is refreshing.

Now I just have to win him back round.

I tear off a piece of paper from my page and doodle a little raccoon, write sorry underneath then fold up the note and throw it over to his desk.
A few minutes later a note is returned, a little drawing of a polar bear in a hat and one word above. Gay.
I stifle a laugh. I'm counting that as a win.

When class finishes, I hang back so I can walk with Kenny. "Surprised you didn't walk out after earlier" I mumble.
"Don't flatter yourself. I promised my sister I'd try and graduate" he shrugs.
"You were right. From here on out I'm making up my own mind about you. So make a good impression." I joke.
"Hmm, I can think of some ways you can make it up to me" he says softly, a smirk playing on his lips.
I roll my eyes.
"Ground rules: I'm not having sex with you. You have lots of people for that already, what you need is a friend." I say decidedly.
"Oh really? And what are your needs?" He asks, licking his lips.
I ignore him.
"Fine. Friends. Wanna come over to mine and get stoned?" He asks casually.
"Sure" I say. I have no intention of doing any smoking but I do wanna hang out. His presence is strangely comforting.

We arrive at his and he loudly throws his keys down on the kitchen table. He takes a seat, leaning back in the chair, dangling his legs over the side and begins rolling a joint. I perch down on the edge of the chair opposite him.
"My dad's not home. Y'know, if you did decide you can't keep your hands off me" he winks.
"The sooner you cut that out the better. You said you wanna graduate right? Well I have the notes and shit. I can tutor you" I conclude enthusiastically.
"No, you're alright" he laughs, tapping the joint on the table.
"Well I do have an ulterior motive" I lie, realising he's not about to accept help without a deal.
"Oh yeah?" He asks, looking me up and down seductively.
"Not that dumbass. I want you to teach me how to drive."
It's the first thing I can think of and I already regret it.
He looks up from the table for the first time and raises an eyebrow at me.
"You do know I totalled my last 3 cars? Go ask captain sensible" he taunts.
"I'm not asking Kyle am I? I'm asking you" I say.
Just then, before he can retort, the front door slams and Karen slinks in. She clocks me and her eyes widen in shock. I can almost hear her thoughts: oh fuck. Kenny notices the look too.
"...You two know each other?" He asks, visibly confused.
She looks like a rabbit in the headlights.
"Yep" I breeze. "We volunteered at the same cat sanctuary for a bit last summer" I manage. Neither of them look convinced.
"Mm-hmm, I miss Tiddles every day" she says solemnly. Kenny goes to question it further but she cuts him off.
"Can you help me with my homework?" She asks suddenly, deflecting from the situation. Kenny just looks even more confused. Poor thing.
"I was just leaving anyway" I say, biting back a smile.
He pulls a scrap of paper from his back pocket and jots something down.
He guides me to the front door, shoving the paper into my hand.
"About that deal? Yeah, I'm in. Your first lesson is Monday, don't be late." He says, then closes the door in my face.
I unfold the balled up paper in my hand as I walk and make out several digits in the smudged ink. His phone number.

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