Await further instruction // Kenny Smut

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Authors notes: ok another s3x scene coming up and this time it's rough😳

I'm sat at a bar wearing too little and having drunk too much. I laugh and gossip but a weight still sits in the pit of my stomach. Part of me wishes I'd stayed home, hid under the covers and cried to re-runs of the office. I was mostly doing fine until Craig and Tweek walked in. They sit at the bar, Craig's arm lazily loped over Tweeks shoulder as if it's the most natural thing in the world. I down my drink and order another. My phone starts ringing, snapping me out of my wistful languish. It's Kenny. I saved his number the night he gave it to me but he's never called before. I decline it. I've had enough fighting for one day. I'm meant to be having a nice time and trying to relax. Despite this, I'm now on edge more than ever, curious about what he wanted. Then a text dings through.

Call me

I give in. I make my excuses and head outside to the smoking area for some quiet, cold air hitting my bare legs. I redial his number and wait with baited breath.
"Y/N?" He starts, softly. I'm relieved that he doesn't sound mad anymore.
"Kenny? Are you okay?" I ask, worried tone creeping in.
"I'm fine. Where are you?"
"Skeeter's. What's this ab-"
"I'm two blocks away, wait there" he says, cutting me off before I can ask any follow up questions.
I stand for a while then start walking up the street to meet him, mostly so I don't freeze. He turns the corner, catching my eye.
"Hey" he says casually.
"Hey" I reply simply, trying to formulate what to ask next.
He starts taking off and I automatically walk alongside him.
"Where are we going?" I ask, confused.
"The diner. I used to hang out there with the goth kids sometimes... They have good music taste but there's only so much black coffee a guy can drink" he rambles with a light laugh, a nervousness in his voice. I am no less confused.
"Have you been drinking?" I ask, frowning.
"Yeah, a bit." He admits, hands buried in his pockets.
I stop walking and he halts accordingly.
"Kenny what's this about? It's freezing and you didn't even like me earlier. Am I missing something?" I ask, exasperated.
He turns to face me looking sheepish, like I've caught him doing something wrong, then just as quick looks cool again, running a hand through his floppy hair.
"I'm calling an Uber" I mutter, tapping on my phone, patience wearing thin from the cold.
"Karen heard us arguing in the street earlier. She told me. About what you did for her. I just wanted to say thanks or something. I don't know. I'm just drunk and I kept thinking about it" he says quietly.
"About me?" I ask, pushing my luck once again.

All at once my back is pushed hard against a nearby wall and his lips find mine. His hand slinks around my waist and he bites on my lip, his breath tasting sweet with whiskey. He combs his hand through my soft curls then grips the back of my neck. He kisses me hard until I'm breathless. Just as I'm adjusting to this new dynamic he pulls away.
"Kenny" I whisper, leaning back towards him for more. He pulls away.
"Don't you have an Uber coming?" He asks, somewhat hostile again.
"Do I look like someone who knows what a Mazda looks like?" I ask, looking back at his lips.
He rolls his eyes, smiling slightly and kisses me more in recompense. This time I break off the kiss "it's picking me up from down the road" I explain, giggling as I start to stumble my way in the dark in my heels, drunk on more than just mojitos.
"Want a piggyback?" He asks, eyebrow raised, amused.
"Absolutely not" I laugh, ducking out of his reach.

"Ok this is me. App says 6 minutes" I speak into the dark, seeing my breath from the cold. I don't really want to leave him.
"Lots can happen in 6 minutes" he determines, taking a step closer to me.
He kisses me deeply, one hand grabbing my ass and the other running a finger up and down my thigh. There's no one around and no streetlights, but still I gulp at the prospect. If I was a drop less tipsy or horny I'd be too self conscious to do anything so publically. But I'm not.
He reaches under my dress, fingers tracing the lace of my thong. I am so out of my depth, racing to keep up with his pace. My bottom lip trembles as he pulls my thong down to my knees, taking a step back to look me up and down, a slight smile on his lips as if he owns me and he knows it. I suddenly feel a little pathetic, knees bound together, completely at his mercy. I need to regain control of the situation. I slip the thong all the way down to my ankles then over my heels, removing it completely. Then I slide it into the pocket of his hoodie.
"Souvenir" I shrug, smirking.
He looks shocked for a second, then impressed, eyes darkening. Game on. Just as he goes to start kissing me again, headlights start to turn the corner and I step back. The driver didn't see us together but my cheeks turn red regardless.
I don't want this night to end. Not yet anyway.
"You coming?" I ask Kenny casually as the car pulls up to the curb.
"Try and stop me" he says under his breath

I stutter slightly as I tell the driver my address and we sit in the back of the car, tension heavy. I slide my hands into the pockets of his orange hoodie, entwining them with his, our hands both feeling the silk of my discarded underwear. His brown eyes harden, wondering when I got so bold.
"What about your rule?" He asks, cocking a brow; challenging me.
"I thought you were meant to be some kind of rebel" I shrug, smirking.
He grabs my wrist inside of his pocket, putting his face close to mine so the driver won't hear.
"I won't be nice" he warns
"Oh I'm counting on it"

We get to mine and I linger in the kitchen.
"Coffee?" I ask, sweetly. I have him exactly where I want him and we both know it. His phone vibrates from the side.
"Probably Shelly again" he breezes, eyes glistening.
"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes and all that" I brush off, tossing my hair over my shoulder.
He takes a step closer and pushes it behind my ear. He kisses me once to distract me, to make me let my guard down, to think this might be something of a romantic evening. Then he lifts me onto the counter top. This was not part of the plan.
"Shut up" he utters huskily, unzipping my dress.
I swallow hard and gaze up at him.
My dress falls to the ground and his eyes wander my body. I once again feel out of my depth but I'd blindly follow anything he says at this point. He pulls his hoodie over his head and it joins my abandoned outfit. He reaches down and removes his dick from his boxers. No foreplay here I guess. He's not quite as big as Kyle but much girthier. My hand finds my chest and I caress my nipple in anticipation.
"Did I say you could do that?" He growls, entering me without warning. I gasp, unsuccessfully trying to grab onto the counter top. I bite down on my lip hard, trying not to give him the satisfaction of a moan so early on.
"I've wanted to do this for so long" he husks in my ear. I allow a gentle whimper to escape my lips. He speeds up, thrusting into me roughly.
I groan, completely at his mercy. He rewards me with a quick kiss before taking my nipple in his mouth and running his tongue over it, once again lulling me into a false sense of security. Just as I relax he bites down gently, causing me to choke out a pained moan.
He picks me up off the counter and carries me to the bedroom, my hands around his neck.
He puts me down facing away from him and I dutifully push my ass in the air. I long for more kisses but I can tell this is not that kind of night. He enters me from behind with a faint grunt that makes me moan harder.
"You're so tight" he whispers.
"I aim to please" I try and say smugly but it's hard to have the upper hand when you're so obviously needy. My voice quavers from the pleasure and I can tell even without facing him that he's smirking, loving every moment of my discomfort. I reach between my legs to stroke my clit but he grabs my wrist, shoving it up behind my back and pinning it there.
"Ahh" I moan in both pain and satisfaction. He holds tightly onto my wrist, maybe enough for it to bruise. I barely notice, high on the bliss of being slammed from behind. I can practically feel myself drooling on the pillow, a delirious shambles of a girl.
He pulls out and turns me to face him. He sees my running makeup and rewards me with a few stolen kisses before moving to missionary. I admire his form whilst he's on top, his strong shoulders alone almost enough to finish me off. I can feel him looking at me, his brown eyes trying to catch mine. I'd normally be self conscious but I can't stop myself from just leaning back and moaning, desperately clutching at the sheets, not caring what I look like. I'm past acting cool and lean in greedily. I guess he likes what he sees because he moves his hand to rub my clit, feeling my wetness all over his fingers. He speeds up, rubbing circles over my clit whilst thrusting hardly into me. My legs start to shake and he can tell I'm close. I wonder if he's going to tease me, to not let me cum until he says so. Instead he just looks into my eyes then leans into my neck "say my name" he demands.
I blush, suddenly feeling stupid. He slows down, hand hovering by my clit. My need to finish outweighs my dignity and I start grinding on his hand desperately, hungrily, choking out his name over and over until I cum, waves of pleasure running through me.
He pulls out and I get onto my knees. I want to return the favour. I take him in my mouth like it's my only mission, my one purpose, his dick hitting the back of my throat over and over. He grunts again, music to my ears. His eyes roll back, thrusting roughly into my mouth. I take it eagerly, wanting to impress, to be better than the other girls, all trace of feminism temporarily leaving my body.
"That's right, face-fuck me" I husk in between strokes, looking up at him with big pleading eyes. Past all the bravado and flirting, I know I'd do anything in this moment to please him.
"Fuck" he manages, voice like honey, finishing in my mouth. I swallow dutifully as if it's the best thing I've ever tasted, a moan for good measure.

We lie back, exhausted, weeks of tension released. Calm washes over me, as if this was a peace I didn't know I was missing.
Some minutes pass in silence, aside from his jagged breath.
"I guess you have to get home, for Karen and everything" I speak into the darkness.
"Yeah. Not yet though" he says, leaning in to kiss me more.

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