~Chapter 22: Going for The Kill~

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Hey SugaryTeddies!

So whose a directioner? Or who WAS a Directioner?

Did you hear that Elounor broke up? And how Zayn left the band?
Two dramas or maybe three counting the Zayn cheating on Perrie again, but three dramas going on in a week?

Geez! One Direction are not getting pop-star-no-drama award.

Well if you don't like One Direction from the start then I understand, you can put you opinions about them here if you want. I mean to be honest I'm drifting away from them, not because Zayn left but I just not feeling anything but no matter what I still support them.

and Oh! So I looked over my chapters and some of it doesn't make sense and doesn't really lead to this but I'm trying my best to make it good.

anywho! Let's get this book or story on the road!!

Keep It Sweet!

-SugarTeddyBear ❥

Ding Dong!

My doorbell rang, I sighed and look at myself in the mirror, my hair was up in a up-do bun and how some of the sides of my hair is loose and some strands fall to the front of my hair. It was curled and my make-up was done perfectly, I put my mask on and sighed. I slipped on my heels, I walked out of the door and head downstairs. I hold the rail and carefully walked down on the marble steps.
I walked up to the door and open it, it revealed Shelby, Jessie and Lacey. They were all beautiful with their hair curled and mask already on.

"Nina, you look so beautiful! I love your hairstyle! Looking all snazzy", Shelby said.

I chuckled and thanked her. "Anyways where's your handsome prince?", She asked.

"Jax should be coming, he's still getting ready over at the pack house", Jessie said.

"Well we still have time to go over our plan", I let them inside as they enter. We enter my living room as Shelby took out a backpack and unzip it with a gray small suitcase. She open and we saw four little gray chips.

"Put these in your ears, we will communicate you, Nina, through this chip", she gave us each chips as we put it in our ears.

"Okay we will communicate each other by just pressing this against your ear and just say whatever", Shelby said like it was just a simple instructions.

"But vampires have good hearing like us, how is it going to be that easy for them not to hear us communicating?", Lacey asked.

Shelby smirk and chuckled. That grin gives me the shivers knowing she has something plan. Shelby is a special kind of girl if you meet her in a different world. She knows tons of stuff that I didn't even know how to do it.

"That's a good question Lacey, you see I made this chips, their sound waves are low and quiet so the vampires or any other mystical creatures won't be heard from yards away"

"Hmm....Shelby do you you know you come in full of surprises?", Jessie asked.
Shelby stared off into the distance for a quick few seconds and said, "well....one time I hid in a box and yelled surprise to my dad one time on his birthday with confetti popping out?"

We looked at each other and at her but just nodded our heads in a awkwardly way. "So what's the plan to get Nina to meet the vampire without Jax going wild on her?", Lacey asked.

We looks at each other once again, but this time the girls look at me. "What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

"He's your mate, you do something to make him get away from you as possible", Jessie said, I widen my eyes.

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