A Message

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Sorry I haven't been on here....

For like


Okay I do apologize for taking so damn long updating stories. I'm a procrastinator.

I didn't die if anyone was wondering about my disappearance for the past...months...I'm pretty sure I last updated was like somewhere near the end of January 2017.

I can't even remember. Well let me give to ya recap on what just happen.

I graduated High School.

I'm in college.

I got a job.

I tried to keep up with my homework since I always do at the last minute.

I got a new car (Jeep Patriot 2016, white) her name is Luna.

I quit my job, got a new one.

And still struggling with school and one moment of dropping out (not really. It's a joke).

Yeah that's pretty much it. I'm working on m Associate's degree in my community college, and working to transfer out somewhere.

Well anyways. So holy chicken noodles and nuggets!!!!!

So I always get notifications from all you readers for reading my stories, sometimes commenting, and adding it to the reading list. So I wasn't too much bother by it, cause it happens like when I wake up, or I'm at school.

Sometimes I always think it's from my parents actually asking me how am I doing?

But nope.

So I finally went back on here and HOLY SHIIIZZZ

This book went up to 100k Readers!

Some people may not think it's not a accomplishment, but to me it is. Every small thing I think of can be an accomplishment.

This book has bad grammars and storyline and you guys still think it's a okay/good story to read. (I know many of you think it's an okay story).

So the reason why I had this bad grammars, cause I was in a low English class in high school. It was a Special ed class, but the teacher does keep up with all the things we need to know before college. So I was more in a basic class where special ed students can take in order to be on the same level like any other English classes.

I was in special ed classes due to a learning disability. It's not noticeable for some people, but sometimes I don't know...words...big words especially, or have a hard time keeping up with high level classes with learning. The highest class I ever been in was History CP (College prep) that was like beneath AP level. I know a few, but I move around a lot in different parts of town and was always in new schools when I was a little. It affected my learning ability and social life cause I grew shyer every time and never knew how to make friends.

I had a hard time focusing, and a hard time remembering, they found this out during elementary school and place me to this room where I do the work, but a much easier work environment.

Sometimes if you ask me a question that sounds so professional, I will probably have no idea what you're talking about and have to ask you to rephrase it for me to understand.

In middle school I was in a regular social studies class and I had a hard time doing a project that my mom notice it. She had me switch into a much easier level class for me to learn in. I didn't realize they place me in a special ed "basic level" class where it'll be a slower pace and easier stuff.

I was always insecure about it, cause sometimes people around my town say "Special ed" is mainly for the "dumb people" or the "Disability people". I never told anybody what type of class, or teacher I have when they ask, "What teacher do you have?"

Because they be in a much higher level and I be a lower level than them. Now I feel open about it, thinking, who cares if anybody judge me for this. If they think it's whack then they have no idea what people go through with this.

I literally cry, and panic a lot so much in school that causes stress and anxiety for me. It triggers panic attacks due to the fact I over think things through. There's a program (in college) with kids who has disability or problems on concentrating, they take it and receive accommodations, special things to request for in your classes in order for you to learn better.

I never use any of accommodations because I always thought I can be a better person if I try hard enough. I can maybe outbreak this, I need to pay attention and learn better. I need to concentrate.

Sometimes it works, but doesn't whenever I receive a test and get questions that I don't even understand. Sometimes I wonder how people automatically learn a complicated word that I never seen, and never bother hearing. That is one of my main troubles.

So I know this isn't much of a moving story or message. I just want to put out that even though I have trouble focusing, learning, and memorizing. I still practice and learn new stuff as much as I can. It's okay to feel overwhelm by school work, or work in general. Just slow your pace, you're in no hurry on reaching to your goal.

So this is my message on what I wanted to say.

And oh yeah!! I'm gonna write a new book, to start fresh to start where I was. I'm trying my best to get on track. So I'll update more as soon as possible!!!

Thank you for all who read and voted for his story!!!

(Yes I did change my username, I just thought to keep it a lil professional. Lol)

-Hallie Xx

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