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Hey ya'll!

So glad to be getting on this again.

For a few months, I was putting in the works of a new upcoming story I've been writing for awhile. It's been the longest draft book I ever written and has been the first to be finish with the first half. Now this book is —well maybe at some points it kind of predictable, but I'm not making a cliche book story as the mate is labeled 'ruthless' Alpha, but ends up being a big softy.

This time, this book is more on the serious, yet a little playful and fun side.

There was this one book I have written and it's still in the works. They are both werewolf stories, and both of the alphas are douche bags. I know.

It's what everyone label their alphas. Anyways!!!

This book I had written way before I wrote Sweeter Than Candy. I was planning on uploading it, but the whole plot was a big disaster that I have no idea what the plot was. It exist for quite awhile during the time I was writing this (Sweeter Than Candy) book, but I deleted it later on. Now I brought it back up, with a new plot.

I'll show you the cover picture of the new book I've been writing...

As you can tell my old username 'SugarTeddyBear' is at the bottom

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As you can tell my old username 'SugarTeddyBear' is at the bottom. I'll go back and edit it out to replace my new one so no one can get confuse.

But yes, the title of the new story I've came up with is called 'Seeing Red'.

Now I don't have the official date on when I'm uploading this, but this book is fully edited, I make sure I labeled some points on the plot so I don't make a huge chains disaster.

I'm giving you a snippet of a chapter in the future. It's not from chapter 1, I can tell you that. But all I can say is the main character is a girl name 'Aven'. She has a rare, yet terrible problem, shape-shifting side (I can't tell ya, until the book is uploaded, but it will be mention in the first chapter I believe). Don't worry about the names, you'll soon meet them later.


Aven tried her best to retain her human side, but it was too late. Vertigo manage to get her mind under her control. Aven hair grew a little longer, her dark red eyes were now shimmering in the light. She was hissing as you can notice this isn't Aven. It's Vertigo.

    She stood up tall. So tall that she radiates an odd intimidation to her prey. The rustling and wood crunching noise made her snapped out of her mind.
  Her eyes snapped over to the kitchen door revealing the backyard where it reveals the woods.

  Her eyes twitch as she used her close up vision, everything around her blurred red. Like movies, her vision followed down the path quickly, it raised up showing rouges running. Four of them to be exact. Their white covered eyes, which shows the rouges wolf side has taken over their humanity side, with dried mud on their furs.

Rouges. Disgusting, filthy creatures that lost their humanities. Nothing can bring them back on who they once were.

  The vision came back as Vertigo had a slight smile on her face. "Vertigo, stop! You don't know what you're going to do—"

Vertigo quickly shuts off Aven, rolling her eyes as she muttered few cruse words under her breath. Vertigo began to walk out, rolling her shoulders back feeling her bones crack.

  Vertigo was much braver, much stronger than Aven. Even Artemis as well. She's quiet, never spoken to Aven, she always hide in the back of her mind just like Aven when she's hiding from everyone else.

  Vertigo ran as she was face against the silver bar fence that separates completely between the backyard and the woods. She heard the loud crunching sounds as rouges appear to be closer.

   Leaves crunching near by, out of the shadows, a muddy gray wolf stepped out. Growling, snarling towards Vertigo.

She didn't flinch, she didn't move. She just glowered towards the rouges that were now stalking towards her, as if they're about to pounce on her.
   One barked towards her, Vertigo snapped her glare upon one wolf that growled at her. It crouch down, and whine in fear once he met her hazy red eyes.

Vertigo didn't say much, or do anything except she crouch down and leap over the fence. She landed perfectly behind the rouges.
  She heard them growling behind her, she slowly look up and had a sly devilish smirk on her face, showing her barring pointed fangs.

  With just one step, she manage to slaughter each and one of them, until all of them stops breathing.

So I know this does not give you much detail of what the character is and who they are. But this is one of the problems Aven is dealing with, and something probably easily predicted, but who knows.

Now the part came off as a 3rd person, but anybody who has problems with people in 3rd point of view, don't worry. The book will be in 1st person actually, some chapters will be switching off to different point of views, so it's not like two of the same characters. If you have any questions about this book, feel free to message me or comment here about it. I will keep this updated on when I am positing the stories. The book is still in work of progress. There's to say at least 7-9 chapters, I'm making it up till 10 so I can post that much, and work the other 10. I believe that seems fair and long enough for you guys to read?

So yet again, I am working my best to get back on here and start making books again. I'm nearing so close to the end of the semester and it gives me more time to start making stories.

Also for those wondering about the sequel, yes I am still working on it. There's some parts that needs to be fixing. I don't know when it's going to be on the works, but for now. The book I am making is in the process of almost at Chapter 10.

So take care Teddies!!

Hal xx

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