Chapter II

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Castiel had teleported Sam and Dean to England where they were directly in the middle of one of the local towns. England was just as bad as America had been, the city was completely torn up and they were unsure if there were any survivors.

"This is as far as I can take you," Castiel said. "You are on your own now," without another word, Castiel disappeared leaving Sam and Dean alone.

"I did not think that this place was just as bad as America," Sam said in surprise. Dean was about to say something when he suddenly held onto his head and doubled over in pain. "Dean?!"

Fire, that's all Dean could see, he could hear swords clashing and strangers fighting. They weren't fighting with guns, they had been fighting with swords. Something that Dean wasn't used to, as the fight dragged on he heard someone call out to him but it wasn't his name.

"Arthur!" exclaimed one of the knights. "Watch out!" Dean turned and saw a knight strike at someone who was about to stab Dean from behind. Dean had suddenly got confused wondering what had been going on, though before he could even react he had been pulled out of the strange scene. Dean gasped wondering what he had just witnessed, his head had been pounding and it was starting to become a pain in the ass.

"Did you see that?" Dean questioned his brother.

"See what?" Sam asked full of concern. "Dude, the only thing I saw that happened to you was that you were doubled over in pain,"

"But I saw...nevermind it was probably nothing," Dean answered. Not thinking much about it, Sam and Dean began to make their way further into the city; what was once gorgeous was all dirt and rubble. He couldn't believe that what he had seen was a battle. Dean knew that battle took place in England but something told him to keep going. Sam seemed slightly worried about his brother, he actually wondered what Dean had seen, though he couldn't think about it much and followed his older brother into the city. Something about the place seemed familiar, he just didn't know what it was.

"This way," Sam suddenly heard someone whisper "turn right,"

"Dean," Sam said as they arrived at a fork in their path. "We need to turn right,"

"Right? Why?" Asked Dean.

"I don't know," Sam responded simply. "But we should follow the right path," Sam turned to the right and walked down the road. Dean ran to catch up to his brother; he had his worries as his trust in Sam had been rocky at best lately. However he had to remember that Sam was all he had left, as strained as their relationship was they only had each other. Dean was so lost in his thoughts that he barely noticed an older woman run into his brother.

"Oh my goodness I am so sorry," Sam said to her. She gave him a strange look before gasping and then gazing at Dean with wonder in her eyes.

"Um are you okay ma'am?" Dean asked. His hunter instincts told him to be cautious just in case the lady was a demon or an angel.

"I know what you both seek and I know who you both are," the lady said to them. "What are you both doing out here?!" She screamed, pulling on both of their arms. "It's dangerous!" Both brothers attempted to pull away and wrestle out of her grip thinking she was some kind of monster, but her grip was like iron.

"Hey let go!" Sam yelled but the lady shushed him.

"No time for arguing," she told him. Her eyes glowed gold for a few seconds and both brothers suddenly weren't able to speak. The lady pulled them both into her run down house and she placed a board in front of the door, she also placed salt around the windows to avoid any demon activity. "There now no one can get in,"

"Mmmh," Dean muffled since he couldn't talk.

"Oh right sorry hang on," the lady said, removing the spell, allowing them to talk again. "Better?" She asked with a sly smile.

"Lady are you fucking crazy?!" Dean shouted. He didn't appreciate being dragged into someone else's house by force. Nor was he okay with someone silencing him.

"No she's a witch," Sam responded grabbing his gun. He had no idea what this lady's deal was but he wouldn't stand for the treatment she just gave him. The lady put her hands up but told them both she didn't have any other choice. To the brother's surprise the lady got down on her knees and started pleading with Dean.

"Forgive me your Highness. I only did what I had to do, those creatures are everywhere and I couldn't let either of you be seen," she cried. Dean was unsure how to react and looked at Sam for something to say, unfortunately Sam was just as confused.

"Sam, a little help?" Dean asked but his brother just shrugged.

"Please your majesty I need your forgiveness and I must also ask for some from the court sorcerer," the lady said to him.

"Okay if I say that I forgive you, will you please stand up?" Dean asked. The lady stopped weeping and stood up immediately. She fixed her hair and introduced herself.

"I'm Elaine, apprentice to the wizard Merlin," she told them. Both brothers blinked at her words, unsure how to react.

"Elaine was it?" Sam asked. The young witch nodded and Sam was trying his best to avoid hurting her feelings, because he thought the young lady was either high or too wrapped in her imagination. "Can we have a minute to talk?" He asked.

"Yes of course, but I must give you what you asked for the last time we saw each other," Elaine said handing him a large stick. Sam gave her a confused look but she just smiled and left the two alone.

"Dean I think.." Sam began but Dean finished for him.

"The girl is crazy, no kidding but maybe she'll have the information about the sword," Dean said.

"Unless she knows how to get it out of rock then I think we should just leave," Sam answered. This lady was just wasting their time and why in the world would she give him a stick.

"Use this staff," a voice whispered. Sam recognized the voice as the one from earlier, but seconds after he heard a number of other voices whispering to him. Terrified he dropped the stick and refused to touch it again.

"Sammy?" Dean asked, concerned with Sam's reaction.

"I think I need to lay down. I'm hearing voices," Sam responded. He was holding back a lot of worry behind his voice. What in the world was that stick doing to him and why did he keep hearing someone whispering to him?

"It's not a stick, it's a staff," Elaine said walking back into the room with a map in her hands. "Trust me it's important," 

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